If you use the S: drive you may notice from tomorrow that you are missing the mapping to it. I have sent some of you an email on how to restore this, but I haven’t sent this to everyone.
Just let me know if this happens and you need the S: drive, and I’ll send you the link.
Kotahi te kupu
To celebrate Mâori Language week, Massey University Library are running a competition called Kotahi te Kupu. Think “4 pics, one word” but with a reo Mâori flavor.
How it works
Each working day a clue will be posted to their web page. The clue will stay on their library blog for 12 hours, 9am to 9pm then will be taken down for the next kupu to be posted 9am the next day. All correct entries go in the draw to win prizes. The following Monday, Library staff will draw a winner out of the correct entries, use the contact details to let the winner know and then add the answers AND the winners name to the blog. The competition is open to one and all,(follow the link above to submit your first entry.)
The files on the N: drive are being moved to the new network storage system on Thursday night. This will start at 7.30 pm and is scheduled to take 1 hour, although I suspect it will be quicker than this.
The N: drive is used less than previously and is mainly host to a number of specialist databases, plus local Endnote filters, styles and connections. These are resources that I hope few students will be needing at this time.
Once the move is complete the N: drive will be switched to point to the new location – a log off and log in will be required to see this.
To my surprise FE is number 3 in terms of supply – surprising because they haven’t been selling in Europe, but I guess this is some reflection on the size of the Asia-Pacific market where FE are the leading supplier.
The PeopleSoft system will be unavailable from 12pm, Friday 13 June until 8.30am, Monday 16 June due to planned system maintenance. We encourage staff to complete any urgent PeopleSoft self-service transactions prior to the outage, and apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Next Wednesday, 11th June, we are having an afternoon session to look at some of the developments happening with Horizon and the Catalogue. Janette Chin and Mala Singapuri will present a mini-roadshow in Level 3 of the Central Library.
From 12.30 to 3.30 will be open to all – check with your managers as usual. We may have staff from other institutions.
12.30-1.00pm setup and introductions
1.00-2.00pm SirsiDynix Roadmap with a little on Discovery
2.00-3.00pm Bluecloud staff modules
3.00-3.30pm Afternoon tea
3.30-5.00pm Discussion with managers and e-services
We hope to see demonstrations of some of the new interfaces which SirsiDynix call ‘Bluecloud’. In the longer term these will be available for all core Horizon modules, with the Cataloging module the closest to release. In the plans is a new catalogue interface as well.
One of the nice things about the new modules, when they become available, is that we can use them interchangeably with our existing client modules – good for testing and deciding how we like them.
Some of you will be aware that there have been problems with keyword searches in the Catalogue. This began late April when we reached bib# 2,000,000. Not that we have even half that number of actual records, but as the bib# is never reused it keeps increasing. We didn’t immediately realize that that magic number had anything to do with our problems, but major manipulations of our test catalogue let us confirm this. Romy then found some old SirsiDynix documents mentioning this and including a ‘fix’. With SirsiDynix’s agreement, we put that in place. It did not help.
We continue to work with SirsiDynix on this. The bulk of records are correctly indexed, but some are not, and these are likely to be more recent records. In addition, if the search process stops (which it can do) we can’t just restart it. We have to rebuild the indexes from scratch which takes a couple of hours. Fortunately, this is not a common happening.
None of this affects Multisearch, but Multisearch will always be a day or more behind in its indexing.
We have just been advised that some systems will be unavailable tonight. They are not Library systems, but in case you are asked this is the ICTS email:
On Wednesday 30th April, from 7.00pm until 8.00pm, patches are being applied to Server UCSQLDB02P. During the patching, those applications on the server will experience an outage whilst the server restarts. This outage could be up to 35 minutes at some point between 7.00 and 8.00pm. Some of the key applications affected are:
I started last Monday as the new Law Liaison Librarian in the Academic Liaison Team. I am based on Level 5 of the Central Library beside Sara and my work hours will be 8.30 – 4.30 Monday to Friday.
I have previously worked at MB (six months in 2007) and Engineering (part-time for a year in 2008) under my maiden name Theresa Luoni. Since then I have been an Information Librarian in the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre at Christchurch City Libraries firstly at Gloucester St and since the February 2011 earthquake in all four temporary Central Libraries in the CBD.
I also married my husband in 2009 so am now Theresa Buller and we have two children – Sam (4) and Molly (3). My home life is pretty busy but when I have some spare time I enjoy reading, baking and running as well as spending time with family and friends.
Thank-you all so much for your warm welcome over the last week, I’m really enjoying being back here at UC