It may get relinked to R:\ as well, but I’m not sure about that.
Regards, Peter
It may get relinked to R:\ as well, but I’m not sure about that.
Regards, Peter
Hi Everyone
This afternoon the Library scratch drive (R:\) will be moved prior to the file server that hosts it, being shut down.
There will be no access from around 2 pm. Access should be available by tomorrow.
If you have any files open on the R:\ drive, could you please close them before 2 pm to avoid risk of file corruption.
Thanks, Peter K
Hi Everyone
Sooner than expected, we have been advised that the Scratch drive (R:| is on a server that will be decommissioned within the fortnight.
a) From earlier responses we know that some of you like to use documents on the R:\ drive when editing them at the front desk. The Library Management Team has discussed this and indicated that they would prefer we used the K: drive even thought these may just be draft documents.
b) Could we all have another look at our files (and that includes me, I know) to reduce the Scratch drive even more this week.
c) I am going to arrange for the remnants to be copied to a ‘Scratch’ folder on the K: drive so they won’t be lost.
Thanks, Peter K
Ka Kohika is not loading. There were also problems earlier today when trying to request items and when logging out – it would display error messages.
The JSTOR e-book collection trial finished at the end of February. The latest Datasets Meeting has decided not to proceed with this collection because the trial feedback indicated the titles in the collection were not relevant. We understand that it will soon be possible to purchase individual e-book titles from JSTOR, including Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA). We will advise of any developments.
Wendy Wu
The Library netbooks (these are the small Lenovo S10 models) have been in use in the Library for some years. The software they run on is Windows XP which is not going to be supported after April. During the Windows 7 project we were told that these netbooks could not be upgraded to Windows 7.
The problem is that we have been advised that computers running Windows XP will not be allowed on the University’s network because of the risk (such as viruses) that occur when software is no longer supported, or receiving security upgrades.
We had 10 of these netbooks, but not all survived the earthquakes.
If you have any of these could you let me know, and also let me know if you are still using them and for what purpose. I don’t know what we’ll do then, but gathering information is a starting point.
Thanks, Peter K
It is, of course, spam.
Regards, Peter K
So no Camelot, etc. until they get it running again.
We need some feedback and a tidy-up from you.
Some years ago ICTS gave us space on their network for us to host a Scratch drive (now R:\). The intention was that it be used for non-business related files of a temporary nature e.g. photos of work functions, etc. Business related files should be on the K: drive.
The network on which this resides is being closed down and we are unlikely to get a replacement.
So, if you use the R:\ drive, could you let me know how important it is to you and when it goes, what sort of problems will it cause. Can you think of other ways of meeting your needs?
As for tidying up – please have a look at R:\ and remove anything you no longer need. If there are items there that more appropriately should be somewhere on the K:\ drive, now would be a good time to move them
While R:\ was never intended to be secure, it was backed-up. However, from early March ICTS will no longer be able to create backups of this area.
Thanks, Peter K
The server cantwl3 is unavailable at the moment for unknown reasons. ICTS are investigating.
This affects a number of things:
– scanning to a network folder
– MB Databases
– Topomap NZ
– Digital Library
– A couple of Commerce resources
– Thesis deposit
and a few more.
Hopefully won’t take too long to get fixed.