These cards are no longer annotated with up to date information. Please search the library catalogue or standards website for relevant information. e.g. a keyword search on the university library catalogue for AS/NZS 3833 will give two results showing the latest edition and the superseded edition.
For information about amendments to standards please read the notes field in the catalogue record.
When an item shows ‘In transit to storage’ at check-in, please check horizon carefully for the correct storage location. It will be A, B or C.
• A = Warehouse
• B = Basement
• C= Central collection
A number of items have arrived at the basement instead of the warehouse.
A new cardax system has been installed today at the Warehouse. Keys are no longer required. Take your staff Canterbury card with you, wave it in front of the disk (the proximity chip will recognise you if you are entitled to access) and input your door PIN. If your card does not allow you in, talk to your Manager about getting permission added to the Cardax system.
The printer was not taking the paper from Tray 3 as the paper guide was slightly out of position, making it seem as if larger-than-A4 paper was installed. Should be sorted now. Maybe this is something to be aware of when filling the paper trays?
On Saturday and Sunday (16-17) students were able to put money on their Canterbruy card but not able to access it for printing or internet. IT were contacted and are still working on the fix. If any students are currently having problems, or want to query their account, please refer them to the Copy Centre.
Tonight horizon would not let me issue a 1 hour loan from physical science location at 8:15 pm, I got a message saying it was to late to issue 1 hour loans as they can’t go over night.
does anyone else think this is a problem?
Ali Ward will be in to collect her keys tonight or tomorrow – they are in the cash drawer – please apologise that we were unable to find them on Tuesday.
A student reports that they can get laminating done at the Education Plus / bookshop now that the prnit centre has closed – $3 for an A3 (unknown for A4).
I have moved the large Mâori language readers to the middle of the other Mâori language readers. The Pacific Island readers are currently on a trolley beside the Môari language readers – I’ll be moving them to the 400s in the classroom collection this afternoon (at which time they’ll be where the catalogue says they are!) C