Please note that as of today the Interloans basket (for all returning interloans that have been checked in) has been moved. It is now on the big bench to the left of the ‘c’ location CKI PC, just beside the window. It is clearly labelled.
The reason for the change of location is to improve staff accuracy in placing all CKI’d returning interloans into this basket. Some interloans have mysteriously ended up on the Dewey shelves on Level 4.
All posts by blogsarchive
Pathfinders/Library guides
I have moved the ‘pathfinders’ (Journal Surf/Maori Place Names/ Finding Children’s and YA material etc) from the Info Services folder to a folder called “Pathfinders” on the Education K drive. Hopefully this will make them easier to find. If you can think of a better name for the folder, let me know and I’ll change it. CS
Gold sleeper found
Notice stuck to our glass entrance door “Gold sleeper found ph 0273377774”
Double take of library notices today
Due to a minor technical error (not operator) the notice programme sent email notices out twice this morning (in quick succession!). Apologies to our bewildered borrowers etc. Better twice than not at all.
Lost jersey
Nikita phoned in tonight (Wed) to say she had left a jersey in a study room today – no trace of it found tonight however.
I have shaken the toner for the LibCen printer
…so it will need replacing soon
New toner is behind the desk
Left hand side scanner on lending desk
Currently very droopy. Elizabeth has asked Library IT to fix.
Transferring books from the NZRoom
There’s one more step that I left out when transferring NZRoom books to the Maori Collection or to lending. Please scan their barcodes to either K:\Education\NZRoomtoMaoriCollectionbarcodes.doc or K:\Education\NZRoomtoLendingbarcodes.doc. We will then give Collections a list of these barcodes so they can change the titles from appreciating to depreciating. Thanks C
Password Printer Station
Ed lib only – UC IT man has been over to fix. Can’t test as doesn’t have ‘F’ card. If still problems, report again. IM 22/5
Toner low
The toner low message is appearing on the student printer-keep an eye on it.