All posts by bwc40

Horizon change for Restricted Loan statistics

From this morning, we’ve added a small modification to Horizon for the purpose of maintaining Restricted Loan usage statistics. If you notice any problems in Horizon (including speed issues), please report them to Library IT. The types of processes that could potentially be affected include CKI, CKO, holds, RL workflows, and any other transactions that involve changes to items.


Attention Storage Retrieval Staff

The storage request list is still being cleared each morning. Please remember that the Horizon Storage location is actually 3 physical locations – the Law Basement, the Warehouse and the Special Collections Room in the Central Library. If you clear the list by clicking on the “List Pulled” button, then you may be delaying the retrieval of items at one of the other locations by 1 or more days.

If you accidentally clear the list, you can restore it by running “Restore the Request Pull List” from Camelot Horizon Reports > Horizon Database Changes > Requests.


Reminder not to clear the Storage request pull list

Just a reminder to anyone who uses the Storage request pull list (Horizon Circulation Reports) that this list is shared across 3 storage locations. Please don’t use the “List Pulled” button to clear the list, otherwise the items won’t display again until the following day. You just need to close the window, and click the “Yes” button to confirm that you want to continue. The list will automatically clear items as they are collected and put on hold.

Also, if you suspect that the list has been cleared, please email Library IT and we will reset it for you.
