All posts by car56

Baby Stedman

Some great news from Tim from last couple of days. We wish Catherine, Tim and family well.

We had a little girl born at 12.36pm Monday. All well. 8lb exactly

We have named our daughter Hannah Sophia, the names were chosen predominantly for their meanings, Hannah meaning “gracious” or “full of grace” and Sophia meaning “wise” or “wisdom”, so a couple of aspirational values for Hannah as she grows up.

Our other two are fine although missing mum, being well looked after by grandparents during the day, during the night they are fed appallingly (like with KFC) and dressed erratically by their father.


Session with Alex Hanlon

Alex will be giving two sessions for Library staff on Monday 28 May as an introduction to staff on some of her vision for the future.

11.30 – 12.20 Central Library 210 (not KB05)
12.30 – 1.25 DA03 Dovedale Village

Please make sure that you are there on time as Alex’s time is limited. Bring your lunch.

Heather and Anne

Theses binding

This has been sent out to postgraduate students from Lucy Johnstone
Bindery Services
The University Bindery is to close on 21 March 2012. However, the process for arranging for theses to be bound (soft-bound or hard-bound) will change very little for students. You will still be able to go to the counter in the Copy Centre at Kirkwood Avenue to place an order to have your thesis bound. These orders will be sent to a local binding company (SI McHargs: and returned. Please note that you do not have to go through this system to have your thesis soft-bound prior to submission for examination; you can go directly to this binding company, or another one, if you wish to. However, you will need to pay the hard-binding fee at Student Services prior to submission. Prices for thesis binding remain the same as were charged by the University Bindery:

Resource Discovery Team Leader

I am very pleased to announce that Joan Simpson has accepted the position of Resource Discovery Team Leader. Joan will be starting on 23 April in her new role. The timing allows Joan to finish up the term at Central and for me to return from leave.

The role of Resource Discovery Team Leader is to develop the University Library’s information resources to meet the teaching, learning and research needs of University staff and students, through the effective management of digital and print resources. This includes the development and implementation of procedures and strategies targeted at improving metadata, access to unique collections, the institutional repository and storage. This year it will also include collection consolidation, changes in workflows to make things more efficient and effective, input into the Archives Management Project and looking at the implications of e-research for LSS.

Heather will now start the process for the replacement of newly vacated positions

I am looking forward to Joan joining us.

Cheers, Anne

Resource Discovery Team Leader vacancy

The Resource Discovery Team Leader position has now been advertised with a closing date of 22 Jan 2012. This position in Library Support Services will be responsible for developing the University Library’s information resources to meet the learning, teaching and research needs of University staff and students, through the effective management of digital and print resources. This will include the development and implementation of procedures and strategies targeted at improving metadata, access to unique collections, the institutional repository and storage. This person will work in a matrix structure with the Resource Acquisition Team Leader (Tim).

If you are interested in this position feel free to talk to Anne or Tim. Cheers, Anne

Library Planning

Last Friday a number of staff attended a Library Issues, Blockages, Opportunities Workshop, part of a series of workshops for Learning Resources and SMT to begin the process of developing the vision, strategic and operational plans.

The workshop prioritized, shared and discussed ideas, then voted on the key focus issues for the Library:

1. Re-envision use of physical spaces
2. Easy access to collections
3. Deliver customer centered support
4. Embed academic literacy
5. Support and enable cultural change
6. Selling ourselves and our services

Other issues identified were champions and integrators for e-learning; become more efficient and effective; exploit unique collections; and develop the right skills. “Have a shared vision and strategy” was also identified as a key issue, but it was agreed this was an outcome of the process.

On Tuesday a smaller group of staff attended a Customer Value and Discovery Segmentation and Study Design workshop to identify groups of library customers to attend four sessions to provide feedback on services. This workshop also looked at the actions from the first workshop as we ran out of time on Friday.

The workshop participants agreed to further action. Task Groups based on these 6 Key Focus Areas will be formed, and input and participation will be invited from Library staff. The Task Groups will follow a structured methodology to generate ideas and translate these into reality. It is acknowledged that it is a difficult time for staff at the moment with earthquakes and other pressures, however putting the effort into this process now will make it easier in the long run as we can focus our resources and energy on the priorities and not get lost on the details. The Library Management Group will monitor the progress of the Task Groups and the aim is to have a lot of the work completed by August.

We want all staff to get involved in the process so please think about how you could contribute.

Anne and Heather.