All posts by cew45

Earthquake Resources

We have had our free access to the following resources extended:

• ProQuest – to 10/01/2011
• Chadwyck-Healey – to 10/01/2011
• Alexander Street Press – to 28/02/2011
• Blackwell Reference Online – to 28/02/2011
• Wiley Online Library – to 28/02/2011
• ebrary Academic Complete – to 28/02/2011
• Cambridge Books Online – to 28/02/2011
• CRCnetBASE – to 28/02/2011
• Palgrave Connect – to 28/02/2011
• T & Francis eBooks – to 28/02/2011
• Oxford Scholarship Online – to 31/12/2011

See the New Electronic Resources page for details.



Did you know you can easily find images on ScienceDirect? On SciVerse ScienceDirect you can now run a dedicated search across an estimated 15 million images. This provides access to visual content such as tables, figures, videos and other imagery covering both journal and book content published post 1994. Find out more

Recent title changes in ScienceDirect – new journal titles and titles to be transferred or discontinued from 2011…

Continue reading ScienceDirect

SAGE Research Methods Online

“SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) is a powerful research methods tool, linking SAGE’s renowned research methods content with sophisticated search tools to help researchers answer their research methods questions like never before. The site contains 504 book titles, including the entire QASS (aka Little Green Book) series, 6 dictionaries, 4 encyclopedias and a Major Work containing journal articles. We also have a visual Methods Map tool and playlist functionality called SRMO Lists.”–SAGE

We have free beta trial access until December 31, 2010. Please have a look at what is offered and let academics and students know that SRMO is available. While SRMO is in beta not all features will be functioning perfectly and additional content will continue to be added through the rest of the year. Please send any comments or questions to SAGE – there is a feedback button throughout the site – as they would like to find out how users view the features and functionalities of SRMO.


Browsers for Scopus/ScienceDirect

It has become apparent that, since the advent of the SciVerse platform, Scopus and ScienceDirect work best with Firefox and Internet Explorer with MS Windows. If you have reports from users that they can’t access these databases, or that they are being asked for login details, check what browser they are using. Users on a Mac with Safari may be presented with a login box or be unable to access full ScienceDirect functionality. Changing to Firefox will usually solve their problems.

I have added a note to the records on the Databases pages.


JSTOR Update

The JSTOR Business III Collection has been added to our subscription. This gives access to 23 titles covering “economics, business administration, and finance, and it includes a robust group of international journals. The collection also contains prominent titles in public administration, business history, accounting, management, marketing, and organizational behavior.”

The following journals have been added to JSTOR.
The Agricultural History Review Vol. 1, No. 1 (1953) – Vol. 52, No. 2 (2004)
American Libraries Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 1970) – Vol. 37, No. 11 (December, 2006)
Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos Nos. 1-8 (1974-1982); Vols. 9-32 (1983-2006)
Chronology of International Events [1953-1955] Vol. 1, No. 1 (June/July, 1945) – Vol. 11, No. 24 (December, 1955) Previous Title: Chronology of International Events and Documents [1945-1953] Publication ceased in 1955.
Musurgia Vol. 1, No. 1 (1994) – Vol. 6, No. 3/4 (1999)
Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos Vol. 1, No. 1 (Otoño, 1976) – Vol. 31, No. 1 (Otoño, 2006)
Victorian Review [1989- ] Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall, 1972) – Vol. 32, No. 2 (2006) Previous Title: Newsletter of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada [1972-1988] (
World Affairs [1932- ] Vol. 56, No. 1 (January, 1894) – Vol. 167, No. 2 (Fall, 2004) Previous Titles: Advocate of Peace through Justice [1920-1932]; The Advocate of Peace [1894-1920]
The World Today [1945- ] Vol. 1, No. 1 (February 16, 1925) – Vol. 62, No. 12 (December, 2006) Previous Title: Bulletin of International News [1925-1945]

Business III titles will be available via the Journals page tomorrow and the others later this month. All titles will be added to the Catalogue mid-December.


Safari Books Online

We now have 50 titles covering Computer Science & Software Engineering and 50 titles for Business (coming soon) on Safari Books Online

Recently added titles include:
Documenting software architectures
Essentials of software engineering
HTML manual of style
IT security metrics
Learning ActionScript 3.0
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 unleashed
Multi-threaded game engine design
Operating system concepts
Understanding digital signal processing

All current titles can be found in the Catalogue. Titles can be swapped at any time. Please let me know, or use the Recommendation Form, if you would like to suggest an alternative title.


ACS Publications

ACS has given us free access to C&EN Archives, the new digital collection of 85+ years of C&EN, providing access to “…more than 500,000 pages of quality journalism covering global chemical events, groundbreaking research, technological advances, business and marketing ventures, government policy, career and education trends.”

C&EN Archives includes all content from 1923 fully integrated into the journal and book content offered via ACS Web Editions Platform. Now, when using quick-search or advanced search on the ACS Publications website, relevant articles from C&EN Archives will appear in search results.

This access ends on 1st January 2011, when we will revert to our current access of 1998-


ProQuest Enhancements

A new ProQuest platform is coming soon. This will provide access to all databases on the ProQuest platform, all databases on the CSA Illumina platform and some Chadwyck-Healey products (not the ones we have, as yet). Other ProQuest databases will be added later, except those distributed by ProQuest such as Safari Books Online and Dow Jones Factiva.

See the new ProQuest platform demo
“A better way to search, find, and use information … plus more.”
