All posts by cew45

Harvard Business Review

We have lost online access to much of the content on HBR. For the last subscription year we have had promotional access to ‘premium’ content which gave us full access to current and past issues. This was never part of our subscription but it has left a big hole now it has been removed.

We are working on regaining access as soon as possible.


Librarians are Unique

Perhaps we should send this to Rod:

“But it wasn’t until I had been in the city-manager job for several years that I realized how unique librarians are. At the risk of sounding a bit judgmental, I have to say that all the other occupational types I worked with were simply boring by comparison.

The librarian stereotype will always be a person in an 18th-century hairstyle who is hard-working, bookish, a bit ill-tempered, reserved, and boring. I have met thousands of colleagues on the speaking circuit; my overwhelming impression is of an individual who is bright, inquisitive, knowledgeable about many different subjects, brimming with enthusiasm, and unexpectedly excited about technologies that others think could render this profession obsolete.”

Manley, W. (2010) Quirkiness “R” Us. American Libraries, 41(5 ), 56


Web of Knowledge

New features in Web of Knowledge:

New tools for author promotion available in ResearcherID
• Highlight the impact of an author’s work with citation counts for papers indexed in Web of Science
• Use EndNote Web to manage a personal publication list for ResearcherID.
• Explore the world of research with an interactive map that can help locate researchers by country and topic, or use the new country tag cloud.

Collaborating and creating bibliographies on the go with EndNote Web
• Sort reference lists by times cited, date added to the library, and date modified to locate references easily.
• View group affiliations for each reference in a list.
• Save edits whenever you decide or let auto-save capture your changes.
• Transfer up to 10,000 references between the Web and Thomson Reuters EndNote on the desktop

• 2010 MeSH vocabulary, including new headings and brand new concepts


JSTOR Plant Science

New from JSTOR:

JSTOR Plant Science is an online environment that brings together global plants content, tools, and people interested in plant science. It provides access to foundational content vital to plant science – plant type specimens, taxonomic structures, scientific literature, and related materials. We are proud to be offering JSTOR Plant Science to all participating institutions worldwide at no cost.

This new environment includes content from our Global Plants Initiative partners, bringing the amount of materials to 800 000 type specimens, paintings, drawings, correspondence, and supporting materials. By 2013, we expect to have over 2.2 million type specimens available, making JSTOR Plant Science the largest collection of its kind in the world. These materials are now truly global in scope representing over 160 partners in 47 countries on 5 continents. To learn more about this global network, see

A record has been added to the Catalogue.


Palgrave Macmillan Journals

Palgrave Macmillan is offering free online access to all journals throughout May 2010.

From May 1st to 31st free, unrestricted online access is available to more than 70 Palgrave Macmillan journals – including:

International Journal of Educational Advancement

Palgrave Macmillan publishes high quality, scholarly journals across the core disciplines of the humanities, the social sciences and business and management. Our current subscription gives us access to 12 titles, including Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of International Business Studies and Feminist Review.

Access: Palgrave Macmillan journals online


Web of Science Links

Direct links can be made to search specific editions within Web of Science. For instance, some Subject Guides have specifically listed Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Previously, the link to this database took users to the Web of Science home page, where they had to put a check mark next to Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)–1975-present in order to search just A&HCI rather than the whole of WOS.

I have changed the link to A&HCI so that it is pre-selected. Now users can conduct their search immediately, knowing that they are searching A&HCI only. Likewise, Social Sciences Citation Index and Conference Proceedings Citation Index now have direct URLs. (In case you are wondering, there is no record in the Catalogue for Science Citation Index, so if this is required please let me know)

Current Contents Connect also consists of a number of subject editions and collections and these can be linked with a direct URL in the same way. If you would like to have links to any of these, please let me know.


Library PressDisplay

Records for individual titles included in PressDisplay have beeen added to the Catalogue. However, searches in the Journals page, using the “Title begins with” option, will not find some titles. Examples include the New Zealand Herald, the Australian, the Dominion Post, et al. In order to find these, a “Title equals” or “Title contains all words” search is needed. Likewise, some journal titles, e.g., BMJ, Nature.

For this reason, a note has been added to the Journals page, directly under the search box, to direct people to try an alternative search if they don’t at first find what they are looking for. Serials Solutions is aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
