All posts by cew45

Database Enhancements

New features:
Enhanced PDF Viewer – several features have been added to enable navigation of open PDFs, including: TOC column with instant access to citations with title, author and subject detail; hyperlinked access to full text issue contents, by article or chapter titles; hyperlinked thumbnails to illustrations. See “Inside this work” in the left panel of an opened PDF.
Three Additional User Interface Languages – Dutch, Romanian and Slovenian have been added to the list of languages into which users can translate the user interface screens
Subjects on Result List Items – individual records within the Result List now display subject headings

A Try it now! button has been added to show enhancements:
New Work Productivity Tools – New search filters, a “widget” approach to results management, numerous new citation management options, and more.
My Workspace – Create work projects and organize research materials into a dedicated area.
Ovid Toolbar – A downloadable tool to save research material to My Workspace while you’re working outside OvidSP
Additional Interface Display Enhancements – A new main search page design for more effective search and browse navigation, “drag-and-drop” customization features, consolidation of features and pages, and more.

See screenshots
There will be dual access to both versions of the platform until June 30, 2010.


Training Sessions

Webinar training sessions are being offered for Library PressDisplay:

• Monday 12 April at 11am OR
• Thursday 15 April at 3pm, Level 4 Seminar Room

An in-person demonstration of Business Source Premier (EBSCO) is being held:

• Tuesday 20 April, 2-3pm, Level 5 Training Room

Please let me know if you would like to attend. (Webinar sessions will not be set up unless requested)


JSTOR Updates

The following titles have been added to JSTOR:

The American Archivist Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 1938) – Vol. 69, No. 2 (Fall/Winter, 2006)
Arctic Anthropology Vol. 1, No. 1 (1962) – Vol. 41, No. 2 (2004)
The Art Journal New Series, Vols. 1-6 (1875-1880) Publication ceased in 1880.
The Art News (1923-) Vol. 3, No. 52 (November 5, 1904) – Vol. 22, No. 40 (September 13, 1924) Previous Title: American Art News [1904-1923] Publication ceased in 1924.
Glotta Bd. 1, H. 1 (1909) – Bd. 83 (2007)
Journal of Narrative Theory [1999- ] Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 1971) – Vol. 34, No. 3 (Fall, 2004) Previous Title: The Journal of Narrative Technique [1971-1998]
La Linguistique Vol. 1, Fasc. 1 (1965) – Vol. 36, Fasc. 1/2 (2000)
Music Perception Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall, 1983) – Vol. 24, No. 2 (December, 2006)
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica Vol. 1, No. 1 (July/September, 1947) – Vol. 56, No. 2 (2008)
The Southwestern Historical Quarterly [1912- ] Vol. 1, No. 2 (October, 1897) – Vol. 110, No. 2 (October, 2006) Previous Title: The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association [1897-1912]
Studi Storici Anno. 1, No. 1 (October/December, 1959) – Anno. 45, No. 4 (October/December, 2004)
Transactions of the American Art-Union [1844-1849] 1839-1842; 1844-1849 Previous Title: Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States [1839-1842] Publication ceased in 1849.

Content for the following journals is released as soon as the latest issues become available to JSTOR:
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Lecture Notes-Monograph Series
Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
The Reading Teacher

Titles will be available via the Journals page soon and will be added to the Catalogue after Easter.


Library PressDisplay

We now have access to Library PressDisplay. Access is from the Catalogue and Databases pages. Records for individual titles will be added to the Catalogue next month.

Titles can be easily viewed by using the “select title” or “titles by country” features. Translations are available and you can use the sound feature to listen to an article. It’s quite intuitive to use, things like flipping pages, searching, zooming, etc, are all indicated with icons. Coverage is limited to 60 days (or less for some titles) at any one time. Most inserts are included (often listed under a separate name). Papers can be read on mobile devices using PressReader and there are lots of user options for SmartNavigation enabled titles. Refer to the Help on site for more information.

Printing is restricted to one page at a time or individual articles for copyright reasons. The print feature works by printing the full page or selecting a portion of the page to print. This could then be converted to a PDF if desired.

The most used newspapers have been put on the front page in the Librarian’s Picks area – The Australian, The Press, The New Zealand Herald.

Keep up with new features, etc on the PressDisplay Blog


New Resources

We now have access to two more EBSCO databases and one more ProQuest database:

CINAHL with full text
Political Science Complete
ProQuest Political Science

Access is from the Catalogue and the Databases pages.

We no longer have access to Worldwide Political Science Abstracts via CSA Illumina. If you had included this in your subject guides, you will need to add either or both of the new ones. We will only have access to both the EBSCO and PQ political science products until the end of the year, when a decision will have been made as to which product we will continue to subscribe to.

Please let me know if there are any problems.


Bike Wise Events

Tomorrow is Go By Bike Day. Have your breakfast at one of 3 locations:

• Canterbury District Health Board (cnr Oxford and Antigua Sts)
• CPIT (corner Madras and St Asaph Sts)
• NZCCE (outside NZ College of Early Childhood Education on cnr Victoria and Peterborough Sts)

Turn up from 7am to 9am (CDHB starts 6.30am) and you will get a delicious breakfast and entertainment.

Next month is the UC 1 Day Challenge. Commute via sustainable transport one day each week, from March 8 to May 15, and get entered into draws to win great prizes. Sign up on The One Day Challenge site.

Bike Wise Challenge (see previous post): We currently have 2.8% participation. The current winner has 21.9% participation, so we need to get heaps more staff on their bikes!
