All posts by cew45

Electronic Resources Updates

There have been a few updates and additions to our electronic resources recently.

Upgrades added new features to IEEE Xplore, Ovid, Emerald and Web of Knowledge. Oxford Reference Online added new titles/editions and Knovel reintroduced Titles of the Week. ACS (American Chemical Society) will be launching a new Web platform by the end of the year.

New subscribed resources include TRILT, Current Protocols in Neuroscience, HERMES, TVTips

Continue reading Electronic Resources Updates

Optical Society of America Journals

We have a trial subscription to Optics InfoBase until 3 December 2008. We hope to subscribe to this for 2009 (instead of just the journals through Swets).

Optics InfoBase is the Optical Society of America’s online repository of both current and past volumes of all of its journals. It also contains recent proceedings from OSA conferences (see available papers).

We currently have subscriptions to 10 of the 15 journals – extra titles available are:

+ Advances in Optics and Photonics New in 2009
+ Applied Spectroscopy 1946-present
+ Chinese Optics Letters 2003-present
+ Journal of Optical Networking 2001-present
+ Journal of Optical Technology 1999-present
+ Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 2006-present

Optics InfoBase is available from the Catalogue and the Databases-O page.


Gale Virtual Reference Library

There are intermittent problems connecting directly from the Catalogue to some titles in GVRL, eg Complete dictionary of scientific biography, with IE. Gale is aware of the problem and looking into it.

If you see a “can not display this web page” message, refreshing the page may help. Otherwise, go directly to GVRL and access the required title from there.

FYI – technical response from Gale:
“With our newer platforms such as GVRL 4.0 there are additional authentication steps (redirections) that are taking place. IE 7.0 from what we have been able to determine has a limit on the number of redirections it will accept.”



Infoshare, a tool for accessing time-series data, is now available from Statistics New Zealand.

With Infoshare you can find, customise and download a range of time-series data such as:
** economic information (eg price indexes, labour market and production figures)
** demographic measures (eg population estimates and projections)
** arrival and departure data
** wholesale and retail trade information
** export and imports data
** building consents data
** exchange rates.

Enhancements to Infoshare are planned for the coming months. These will provide equivalent functionality to INFOS and you will be able to:
** find and download detailed exports and imports data (by HS code and country)
** save queries for reuse
** use time-series identifiers to find specific data.

INFOS will still be available for at least 60 days after the release of these enhancements. About Infoshare

Deirdre [from Stats NZ announcement]

Research Starters – Education

A new database, Research Starters – Education, has been added to our EBSCOhost databases. Research Starters – Education complements Education Research Complete and will be available for the 2008/2009 (US) school year at no charge.

Key Features of Research Starters – Education:

  • Convenient 3,000-word topic overviews with concise, yet comprehensive content
  • Overview information on 500 topics parallel to course offerings at major colleges and universities, with links to key articles in associated EBSCO databases
  • Content designed to be appropriate for advanced high school and two/four-year college students, public libraries and selected schools
  • Quality study guides written by highly qualified professors, school administrators, consultants, educators and professional writers

For more information see EBSCO website and EBSCO FAQ


JSTOR additions

8 titles have been added to JSTOR:

JSTOR Updates

The following journals have been added to JSTOR:

  • Ambio Vol. 1 – Vol. 33; 1972-2004
  • Flora Neotropica Vol. 1 – Vol. 84; 1967-2002
  • Folia Geobotanica [1998- ] Vol. 1 – Vol. 36; 1966-2001 (Previous Title: Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica [1966-1997])
    The content for 2000-2002 will be released as soon as the issues become available to JSTOR.
  • Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin [1992-2000] No. 1896/1897 – No. 1978/1980; 1896-1980; No. 1987/1988 – No. 1990/1991; 1987-1991; Vol. 1, No. 1 – Vol. 7, No. 2; Autumn, 1992 – Spring, 2000 (Previous Title: Director’s Report (Harvard University Art Museums) [1987-1991])
    Publication of this title ceased in 2000.

Titles will be available via the Journals page later this month, and added to the Catalogue mid-October.


E-Resources Updates

A few recent changes and additions –

  • Springer: From 2009 we will be getting a 70% increase in the number of titles from Springer. A title list is available on Collection Services Serials Resources page, under the New Orders heading.
  • ScienceDirect Additions: New journals available in ScienceDirect. The transferred or discontinued journals list has since been amended: Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, The Foundation Years, Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery (Oxford) will now remain on ScienceDirect.
  • Trials: As a result of our trials, we will be subscribing to New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online and Choice Reviews Online.
  • Books & Authors: Books & Authors is now available and has been added to the Databases-B page. What do I read next? will continue until mid September.
  • Gale Consumer Reports: Consumer Reports titles in General OneFile are now available with no embargo — The Sizzle
  • PubMed: PubMed now indexes videos of experiments and protocols in Life Sciences — Wired Campus
  • For Great Thinking: Vote for “the people who are shaping science today” on the For Great Thinking website.
