All posts by cew45

Wiley InterScience

Wiley InterScience is returning a Service Temporarily Unavailable message when using the All Content search option.

There are no problems with the Publication Titles option and links from the Catalogue/Journals page.

Access to Cochrane Library PDFs is also unavailable. Wiley has been contacted and is restoring access as soon as possible.


Scientific Wiki

The first scientific wiki system of the Mememoir project has been released online at WikiGenes – “Reporting in Nature Genetics, scientist Robert Hoffmann develops the first Wiki where authorship really matters. Based on a powerful authorship tracking technology, this next generation wiki links every word to its corresponding author. This way readers can always know their sources and authors receive due credit.”

A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters / Robert Hoffmann, Nature Genetics 40, 1047 – 1051 (2008) Published online: 27 August 2008 | doi:10.1038/ng.f.217

The Scholarship 2.0 blog has a detailed post: Mememoir: The Radical Scientific Wiki Engine


OvidSP Trial

Access to the Ovid resources we had on trial has been turned off a couple of days earlier than expected. However they will be available again for a short time after the training session next month.

Ovid has offered a training session via Webex:

  • Thursday September 4th at 3-4pm, L4 seminar room

If you are interested in attending, please let me know asap.


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

A trial of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law has been set up until 21/09/2008.

This is a fully updated online edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print between 1991 and 2001 under the general editorship of Rudolf Bernhardt. The online edition includes search functionality and click-through cross references to other Encyclopedia entries as well as related content in the online service Oxford Reports in International Law. A print edition will become available in 2010. The 1,700 articles include more than 700 new topics not covered in the previous edition.


Trial resources on ProQuest

We have ProQuest Central on trial until the end of September. This is an upgrade from our current PQ5000 subscription and gives extra content, as listed on the Library Trials page. Included with PQ Central is ANZ Newsstand.

Also part of the trial is ProQuest Newspapers – a selection of 10 US newspapers, 8 of which are not available in Factiva.

Please encourage users to try these resources and submit an evalution form.



New features and enhancements were added to OvidSP overnight:

  • A Multi-Field Search mode for all databases
  • Collapsible Search Aid box
  • Results Manager is collapsible and available above and below the main search box
  • You can move the Search History above the main search box; plus, sort searches in ascending or descending order, and identify each search by search type
  • Choose the limits you want to appear as common limits on the main search page
  • Create, edit, and add multiple annotations to a citation
  • Browse Books and Browse Journals links available on the Select a Database page
  • Direct linking from Search Aids to the tree
  • Browser support for adjusting font size
  • Users logged into their personal accounts will see their name and institutions
  • Instructional “hint” text for Basic Search

Many of the screens will continue to change over the next few weeks as Ovid responds to customer comments. There are also improvements coming to personalisation features; a My Projects Workspace Area will be released next month.

If you would like more information on these features or would be interested in a Webex training session with Ovid please let me know.


Database Updates

A few changes to note:

ERIC has a new look and expanded coverage and includes a new area just for librarians. More than 130 new comprehensively indexed journals have been added, with plans to increase coverage even further to include both journal and non-journal literature.

Project MUSE has released a list of new titles to be added in 2009. All new titles are included in the MUSE Premium Collection. Some, including American Music and JEGP Journal of English and Germanic Philology, will also be added to the MUSE Standard Collection. Title lists for 2009 for all collections will soon be available on the MUSE web site. Some Edinburgh University Press titles have been withdrawn from MUSE and will be archive-only status.

Books & Authors, the replacement for What do I read next, is now available. Our access has not yet been confirmed but you will be able to have a play around before it is pushed out to users.

ABI-INFORM has begun using new Article Types and a new indexing field this year, with articles retrospectively indexed to capture this information going back several years. Market Research (and the associated Market Segment field), Business Case and Literature Review article types are new and can be found using the Document type limiter.

Please let me know if you would like more information about any of these things.



We currently have a problem with Westlaw. After running a search the screen defaults to a log in requirement. Westlaw has been contacted and this is being fixed asap.

In the meantime, I have placed an alternative URL in the Databases pages for on Campus use only.


Recent Database Problems

A couple of user queries have been cropping up a lot lately:

Problem: Factiva is presenting a log in screen
Solution: Authenticated users should not see a log in screen. When this happens, note the red text at the top of the screen and the message “The user ID and password you have entered are already in use. Please try again later or click on the Having trouble logging in link next to the login button of your product for assistance. (Error:131005)”. This means that our 3 user limit has been reached. Users need to try again later; ignore the login links. Remind people to logout after use.

Problem: SciFinder is presenting a log in screen
Solution: A personal log in is required

Note: We now have 2 versions of SciFinder, the Web version and the client (SciFinder Scholar) which are essentially the same. Users need to register for their own log in for SciFinder, so they will see a log in screen. There is a link in the Catalogue and on the Databases page for people to register for 1st-time use. There’s also a PDF (on the Databases page) explaining the user registration requirement.

Also, once logged in, a user may see a message about all seats being currently in use. Users will need to log in later (or use SFS client version) because we have 1 seat available for SF Web and 3 for SFS client (this can/will be changed as more usage of the Web version occurs).

Both of these databases, and many resources being accessed with IE, may present a further snag:

Problem: IE shows the message “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate”
Solution: Click the option “Continue to this website (not recommended).” Users can safely choose this option when connecting to our resources.
