All posts by cew45

Web of Knowledge

From Monday 18 July the new Web of Knowledge will be the primary platform and all links will go directly to the new version. I will change the links in the Catalogue and Databases pages prior to then. Thomson Reuters will send notifications to all users who have created a Web of Knowledge profile. The current version will still be available until 2012 (links to the old platform will be included in the Databases records meantime).

Journal Citation Reports will temporarily remain on the Web of Knowledge 4 (WoK4) platform. It will appear on the list of available databases in Web of Knowledge 5 (WoK5) but will open in a new window on WoK4. JCR will be moved to the WoK5 platform later in 2011.

More information:
what’s new
quick reference guide (PDF)
WoS search tips (PPT)


Invasive Species Compendium

The Invasive Species Compendium is now Open Access.

“The Invasive Species Compendium is an online, open access reference work covering recognition, biology, distribution, impact and management of the world’s invasive plants and animals. The Invasive Species Compendium currently covers over 1,500 species with over 7,000 basic summary datasheets and 1,500 detailed datasheets. You can also access over 800 full text articles (in pdf format) and 65,000 abstract summaries, with plans to add 10,000 more by the end of 2011. This new resource has been built upon a brand new technical platform which enables our experts to update the datasheets and bibliographical data on a weekly basis.”

It is being maintained as a beta version, and CABI is encouraging feedback so any final wrinkles can be ironed out and small improvements made. More information


iPad2 Competition

Answer 2 simple questions about ProQuest Dissertations & Theses and be entered into a free prize draw to win an Apple iPad2.

“What better way to read a thesis from PQDT than on an iPad? PDFs look great either from Apple’s iBooks on the iPad or using a PDF reader App such as GoodReader. Answer a few simple questions on PQDT and you could be the owner of an Apple iPad2. For further information and to enter visit ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

Closing date for the competition: 6th July 2011


Internet Explorer 9 (IE9)

Problems with Web of Knowledge databases and IE9 have come to our notice. Thomson Reuters has this on their Support page:

“Web of Knowledge does not support Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) at this time. One known issue is a blank results display. Test have shown that this and other possible display problems can be resolved by using the “Compatibility View” option. This feature can be found under Tools > Compatibility View or by clicking on the broken/torn page icon located near the URL bar. For more details, see the following Microsoft knowledgebase article.”

I have added this note to WoK records in the Catalogue and Databases pages. UC staff and student computers still have IE8 so do not have the problem but users on their home PCs with IE9 may report problems. Please advise them to use an alternative browser (such as Firefox or Chrome) or refer them to the database note re IE9. JavaScript also needs to be enabled in browsers for Web of Knowledge to work properly.

Other databases showing problems with IE9 include Taylor & Francis Journals and ProQuest (does not allow direct export into EndNote in IE)


Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports 2010 Science and Social Sciences Editions are now available.

“The 2010 release features the largest ever JCR with 10,196 journal listings in 238 disciplines of Science and Social Sciences. 2,494 publishers from 84 countries are represented, some for the first time. A total of 1,075 journals receive their first Journal Impact Factor in the latest JCR release.” — Thomson Reuters press release


New Zealand Index

The Knowledge Basket has announced updates to NZ Index:

INZART has had more than 93,000 records added to the NZ Index database. These records include digitised press cuttings and re-keyed catalogue cards. Stephanie Reid says “These cuttings go back to the early 1960s (with a sprinkling of some from earlier times) and provide coverage of the NZ art scene from that time on. As we sifted through some of the cuttings we realised that the data could be mined for information other than art related areas. For instance, you can see the evolution of different typographical styles through various newspapers through the 1960s and 70s. The way women are portrayed in the media, and the assumptions about their place, their concerns etc is also interesting-and there are images of city precincts that have long been demolished. So we are hoping that the new material will prove useful to those working outside the traditional art/art history areas as well as those working within.

While the press cuttings are available in full text through the link for our university community, we are confident that those accessing INZART through Knowledge Basket will be able to source at least some of the articles from INNZ and others through their local library.”

Note: when using NZ Index you are able to search both INNZ and INZART at the same time. Also, Knowledge Basket has produced a series of short video tutorials to help search the New Zealand Index (links are on the database record).


Scopus PDFs

Downloading PDFs on Scopus has been enhanced so that multiple selected articles can be downloaded at once. However, this has led to problems for our users as search results will show a Download PDF link whether we have access to the article or not. If we don’t have a subscription to the required resource, Scopus is unable to download the document. Scopus does not give any indication of this; it just appears that the link is not working.

Until this situation is improved, please advise people to use the “Search for full text” button instead, as this will show our entitlements more clearly.
