All posts by cew45

eResources Updates

We now have access to Mental measurements yearbook with Tests in print via EBSCOhost. EBSCO has combined these two resources, produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska, into a single database providing the Tests in Print citations with the Mental Measurements Yearbook full-text reviews in one record. More information

Also, we currently have trials of ScienceDirect and ProQuest products:
# ScienceDirect eBook Collections – 6 July 2011
(2008 and 2009 Collections for Computer Science, Engineering and Materials Science)
# ScienceDirect MRW – to 8 July 2011
* Comprehensive Glycoscience
* Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations II
* Encyclopedia of Analytical Science
* Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
# Technology Research Database – 23 June 2011


OUP Training Session

An online training session, via Webex, will be available on Wednesday 15th June at 2:00 pm.

The session will take about 35 minutes and will cover:

• Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law,
• Investment Claims
• Oxford Reports in International Law

All three products share the same platform, with slight variations, and they are all linked with Oxford Citator. The session will show what the products can do and how librarians can help their users.

You will need to register if you would like to attend the session (trainer is Anita Joice). After registration, you will receive an invitation with the link to enter the session. There are a maximum of 30 places.

Training resources and recordings of previous sessions are available on the OUP website.


EBSCO and HW Wilson

EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) and The H.W. Wilson Company (Wilson) have merged.

From the announcement: “Libraries using products from either company will benefit as improvements are made to the respective resources. Wilson database products are known for their quality indexing. The Wilson subject thesaurus and Wilson “names” authority file are largely considered the best of their kind, and the WilsonWeb platform systematically leverages this valuable indexing within its searching to provide high quality, relevant results to end users. The Wilson controlled vocabularies will be integrated into EBSCO’s controlled vocabularies, resulting in improved subject indexing for EBSCO databases. The EBSCOhost® platform will be enhanced to take advantage of this indexing in its search and relevancy ranking algorithms.

All Wilson indexing, abstracts and full text will be fully searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service for subscribers of Wilson databases. The addition of Wilson’s robust abstract/index records and unique full text will strengthen EBSCO Discovery Service.

Wilson databases will be loaded onto EBSCOhost over the coming months. EBSCO will continue to maintain WilsonWeb until such time that all Wilson databases are available on EBSCOhost and customers have been transitioned to EBSCOhost.”


Technology Research Database

We have a month’s trial of ProQuest’s Technology Research Database (was also part of ProQuest’s earthquake offerings). The database has been added to ProQuest and there is a direct link on the Electronic Resources Trials page.

Technology Research Database indexes “literature on technology and applied science, including materials science, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, condensed matter physics, computer science and electronic engineering. It incorporates Materials Research Database with METADEX, Engineering Research Database, High Technology Research Database with Aerospace and all of their subfiles.”


Emerald Journals

UC subscribed content is currently unavailable on Emerald. Links from MultiSearch and Article Linker will result in an error message or a login/buy now request. Emerald has been contacted and hopefully the problem will be fixed soon.

In the meantime, I’ve placed an alternative link on the Emerald journals record on the Databases-E page. Please direct users to this.
