All posts by cew45

Earthquake Resources

Our free access to Cambridge Books Online and the Emerald Business, Management & Economics Book Series package has ended.

In the case of Cambridge Books Online, we have access to 50 titles (see Cambridge e-books collection on Camelot) and more can be purchased, as required, as per normal book purchasing requests. There are brief records in the Catalogue for these titles and they are findable in MultiSearch. Brief records will be updated to full records next week.

Records for the Emerald eBook titles, however, remain in the Catalogue but will not appear in MultiSearch after tomorrow. The Catalogue records will be removed next week.


Crisis Counseling Videos

From Alexander Street Press:

Alexander Street Press is pleased to be able to offer a free collection of online crisis counseling videos for use by those assisting with Earthquake relief projects in New Zealand. These videos offer training for those who are counseling survivors of traumatic experiences, they address the specific needs of those working in disaster relief situations, and they cover the basics of crisis counseling and crisis stabilization for children. Our thoughts are with the people of Christchurch during this difficult time. More information

Note: We have permanent access to Counselling and Therapy in Video, from which this free collection is taken.


Web of Knowledge

The new Web of Knowledge has arrived and promises to be “a more powerful research resource than ever before.”

Some of the key enhancements are —

*Improved search and navigation: Automatically search for term-variants, refine your search by database, create a Marked List across the platform, and preview abstracts from your results list
*Better results management: Analyze results and create citation reports from custom data sets.
*More opportunities to showcase work and find collaborators: Link directly from Web of Science to an author’s personalized CV, complete with citation metrics, in the ResearcherID environment.

For a full list of enhancements and how they benefit you please go to

For the rest of 2011 we will have access to both the current version of Web of Knowledge and the new version. The new version can be accessed directly (a link will be added to the Databases pages) or, from the current version, click the link in the upper right hand corner that says “DISCOVER the new Web of Knowledge now!”


Counseling and Therapy in Video

Counseling and Therapy in Video Volume 2 has just been released. This is available for preview until mid-April. The preview contains 143 videos totalling 116 hours of streaming video. The collection will grow to over 300 hours.

In mid-April, open access will be turned off and Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume II will be cross-searchable with the first volume of Counseling and Therapy in Video. (We will only see the first volume, as that is all we own.)


NetLibrary on EBSCO

Access to NetLibrary eBooks is being integrated with EBSCO databases, providing eBooks and databases from a single source. NetLibrary will then be known as eBooks on EBSCOhost.

We have a preview of eBooks on EBSCOhost (for UC subscribed collection) To access a generic eBooks collection, go to the New Features area on EBSCOhost.

These key features of eBooks on EBSCOhost will enable you to:

* View the Table of Contents directly from the Result List and Detail Record
* Browse by subject, genre, etc.
* Enjoy the rich Result List with evaluative data
* Use the “search-within functionality” to search for specific terms within a book (a search will yield a list of hyperlinked pages)
* Examine documents more closely using the enhanced viewer
* Create and print your notes while viewing and reading eBooks, and save them for reference in your my EBSCOhost folder.

EBSCO has a survey for your feedback on eBooks on EBSCOhost.

Notes about the preview:

* Changes to our collection will not be reflected within the preview environment
* My EBSCOhost folder users must create a new and unique account for preview period use only. Information stored, including username, password and eBook information, will be deleted once the preview ends, or in about three months.


Win an iPad!

Wiley-Blackwell would like Subject Librarians to take part in their survey:

“We are committed to finding better ways to work with you and your colleagues. We’d like to help you make the most of your investment with Wiley-Blackwell and ensure you receive the support you need to improve usage of our content in your library. Consequently, we’ve created a questionnaire aimed at subject librarians, subject selectors and subject specialists – and we’d appreciate a little of your time.

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Please complete the survey by Monday, February 28th, 2011 and you will be entered into a prize draw for your chance to win one of 3 new iPads. Prize winners will be notified the first week of March and their names will be published in our Librarian eNewsletter at the end of April 2011.”



NetLibrary eBooks have been removed from Summon as they were causing too many problems with false links (“This eContent is not included in your library’s collection and is unavailable for viewing.”) This won’t take effect until tomorrow.

Please note: We still have (earthquake) access to over 26,000 eBooks from NetLibrary until April but you will need to go to NetLibrary to search for these. We own about 150 NetLibrary titles and these will still appear in Summon (linked correctly, without the upsetting message).


Oxford Bibliographies Online

We have trial access to Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) until the end of the year. Not all subjects are available to us, just the 7 subject areas shown by the icons on the home page. Information is included on the Electronic Resources Trials page on the library website and a record has been added to the Catalogue and the Databases-O page.

Please encourage users to try OBO and submit an evalution form.
