All posts by cew45

Oxford Journals

Six titles transferring to Oxford University Press this year have been made freely available until the end of February:

The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Infectious Diseases
The Journal of American History
The OAH Magazine of History
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
The Review of Economic Studies
Note: Our current subscription for Quarterly Journal of Economics will continue on OUP

Also freely available until the end of February, the law yearbooks from OUP, previously only available in print:
British Year Book of International Law
Current Legal Problems
Yearbook of International Environmental Law
Yearbook of European Law

More information


New ProQuest Interface

Further to the post last year – ProQuest Enhancements – the new platform is now live. This includes databases currently on the ProQuest and CSA Illumina platforms (use the “See list” link at the top of the screen, or mouse over the “Search subject areas” icons). The only Chadwyck-Healey databases currently included are British Periodicals and International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) which we only have access to until the end of February.

We have until the end of March to move to the new platform so it would be good to have it set up for our users by the start of term. The new interface is user-friendly and intuitive and promises a better search experience. Use the online help or refer to a quick start reference overview and user guide (PDFs) Also, ProQuest have offered a webinar introduction to the new platform.

The new interface is not yet available to users but a link can be put in the database record and in ProQuest so that people can get familiar before we switch over. Once fully migrated, we will still have access to those ProQuest subscriptions on the old “legacy” platforms but everything else will be on the new platform.

Please add any comments and let me know if you are interested in the PQ webinar.


Updates to eResources

We have subscribed to GeoScienceWorld which consists of high impact geoscience journals and is inter-operable with GeoRef. Journal titles have been added to the Journals page and articles are findable in MultiSearch. Records will be added to the Catalogue next month.

Non-Fiction Connection
We have been given access to Non-Fiction Connection for 2011, as part of our subscription to GBIP. “Discover titles similar to books you already enjoy” – you can use this database to find book suggestions based on books you have already read, authors you like, or topics of interest. Browse by topic, genre, setting, character, location, or timeframe.

OUP Training Resources
Oxford University Press has a useful Training Resources page with quizzes, demos, fact sheets and more… Find short powerpoint introductions and factsheets for products, test your knowledge with an OED or ORO quiz and access user guides for OED and ORIL.

Leisure Tourism Database
CABI now includes its Leisure & Tourism e-books in the Leisure Tourism Database at no extra charge. This gives us access to full text PDFs of about 85 titles from 2000 to present. These titles will be added to the Catalogue asap.

Literature Online
Six new journal titles have been added to LION. Also, 58 new or revised biographies and over 900 video clips of poets reading their own and others’ works (audio recordings at The Poetry Archive) have been added. More information

If you know of primary works that are not included in LION and think they should be, visit the Suggest a Text page and you could win a USD20 Amazon voucher.

Springer Realtime is a special service that gives you insight into what content is being read by the scientific community, all over the world, as it is happening.” Realtime feeds from SpringerLink, SpringerImages, and SpringerProtocols and shows when articles are downloaded by users, giving an up-to-date view of the topics that are of most interest to readers.


JSTOR Addition

Another JSTOR collection, Arts & Sciences IX, has been added to our subscription.

“With a minimum of 150 titles available by the end of 2012, the Arts & Sciences IX Collection widens JSTOR’s coverage in business and the social sciences. Journals from over 25 countries provide outstanding international diversity, and rare materials bring unique depth to the collection, with research covering archaeology, anthropology, sociology, business, economics, population studies, and political science.”–JSTOR. Title list

All titles are immediately available via JSTOR and will be in the Journals page tomorrow but will not appear in the Catalogue until mid-January next year.


Wiley Online Library

Wiley eBooks are unavailable at the moment as our free earthquake access has been switched off. Wiley has extended our access until the end of February, but the end of the access period arrived before the extension was put in place. Access will be restored asap.

If you get reports from users about non-access, please advise them to keep trying.


Free Resources

EBSCO has released a new, free database: European Views of the Americas.

“This new bibliographic database is a valuable index for libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. EBSCO Publishing, in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, has created this resource from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750, the authoritative bibliography that is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide. The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples. A wide range of subject areas are covered; from natural disasters to disease outbreaks and slavery. The original bibliography was co-developed by John Alden and Dennis Landis, Curator of European Books at The John Carter Brown Library. The John Carter Brown Library, founded in 1846 is a foremost repository of rare books and materials and is a center for advanced research in history and the humanities.” More information

This can be added to our EBSCOhost “choose databases” screen so that it is cross-searchable with other EBSCO databases. Please let me know if this would be useful.

Gale has announced Zoom: Gulf Oil Crisis, a free interactive learning tool that allows students to explore in-depth the economic, political and environmental impacts of the Gulf Coast oil spill. Designed to engage students who might prefer to learn through a hands-on digital resource, Zoom: Gulf Oil Crisis offers users an interactive timeline with stats, graphs, maps, video and more to explain the event. Users can even view the events by hour, day or even decade to zoom in on and visualize some of the key topics related to this unprecedented disaster.
