Please share your ideas/tips for safe working practice with the wider library community.
There are lots of useful ideas which the DPI awareness group have not yet thought about.
All posts by cpb35
DPI awareness tip, 29/05/12
Use a trolley.
Those books will be heavier at your destination than when you first pick them up.
Camelot wiki
Library wiki is down so we are unable to run the hold shelf or overdue reports. Anne.
EPS is open!
We are trying various methods to increase student awareness of EPS library. From tomorrow you might notice some flyers inserted in library books requested from EPS for pick-up at other locations. (You can see them at this link ; K:\Branch Hubs\Process Review\EPS_open_promotion_template 2011) Please leave the flyers in the books on the hold shelf so the requestor can see them.
Many thanks,
EPS staff.
DPI awareness tip of the week, 18/4/2012
Look after one another.
If you see a colleague using unsafe practices give them a gentle reminder of the correct practice.
DPI awareness tip of the week, 29/03/12
With the heating coming on in the libraries it is important to remember to rehydrate.
NZ road code
I have started adding notes to the front of our library copies of the road code to alert users to the fact that they are now out of date.
“Please note the Give way rules have changed since this road code was published. Please view the changes on the NZTA website.”
DPI awareness tip of the week, 27/02/12
Remember to use a library dalek to shelve or retrieve books from the top shelf. Do not stretch too high.
EPS Lab product guides
I have shelved the current EPS Lab product guides in a journal box at the start of the QA’s with the Science fiction collection on level three of Central library.
EPS DVDs and CDs
Please return all EPS DVDs and CD-Roms etc. to EPS when returned at CKI. They are not being stored at any other library.