ICT have tried to upgrade the wireless here tonight but have managed to break it. They will return in the morning with a taller ladder to rectify.
All posts by cpb35
RFID tagging
We have made a discovery at EDU. Material which is returned today and showing ‘recently returned’ will not generate an RFID tag.
Peter Kennedy is looking into this and will let us know the cause/reason/remedy.
We will try these items again in the morning to see if the system recognises them overnight.
EPS library phone
The EPS library phone (extn 6155) is currently out of order. To contact us please phone 7148.
Disabled toilet on level one is disabled.
We have a reasonably large flood pooring out of the disabled toilet. Cistern is now turned off to stop the flood growing.
Security have contacted a plumber and cleaners for us.
Lost book – is it on your desk or trolley?
I have a small pile of books which have been labelled incorrectly. I am trying to locate Guide to Porteus Maze test
which is probably labelled TL 697 .H44 .L987 1975. If you have this please let me know.
Law basement headlamps
Both headlamps have now gone from the law basement. Does anyone know what has happened to these?
Basement lights.
One of the new head lights has gone missing from the basement. Has anyone put it in a strange location or accidentally taken it back to the library with them?
Mopier not powering down.
Ricoh will send someone asap.
Engineering library phone not working
Our front desk phone line has been cut but individual phones are still working.
Law library basement visit – reminder
Please remember to add your name to the list if you wish to join us for the tour.
Original message posted 18 January:
On Wednesday 27th January at 11am, Anne Milligan will lead a tour of interested people on a visit to the Law Library Basement, to see where it is and how it is set up.
If you would like to be part of this group, please book yourself in via the following link:- Law Basement Visit
Please meet outside the lifts on Level 1 of the Law Building at 11am.