All posts by cpb35

RFID tagging

We have made a discovery at EDU. Material which is returned today and showing ‘recently returned’ will not generate an RFID tag.
Peter Kennedy is looking into this and will let us know the cause/reason/remedy.
We will try these items again in the morning to see if the system recognises them overnight.

Law library basement visit – reminder

Please remember to add your name to the list if you wish to join us for the tour.

Original message posted 18 January:

On Wednesday 27th January at 11am, Anne Milligan will lead a tour of interested people on a visit to the Law Library Basement, to see where it is and how it is set up.

If you would like to be part of this group, please book yourself in via the following link:- Law Basement Visit
Please meet outside the lifts on Level 1 of the Law Building at 11am.
