We currently have a few incorrect or out-of-date staff locations throughout our contact pages. This information comes from Active Directory, so we can’t update it directly on the website. Instead, we’d like to gather all of the correct information into a list so that we can submit a single Assist job with consistent forms of location names.
If you have a profile on one of the following contact pages, please check your location information and send any corrections to Library eServices by Tuesday 5th December.
Edit: Just as clarification, it’s only the physical location line highlighted here that we’ll need to log an Assist job for (and Anne’s profile is a good example of the building name being out of date):
We’ve had a bit of a glitch since the upgrade to WordPress. Some people who had subscribed via email to Counterculture hadn’t received any emails since 8th November. Hopefully this issue is now resolved (this post will tell!).
For those of you who hadn’t realised that the emails were broken, you might have a bit of catch-up reading to do! 🙂
We’re currently experiencing intermittent problems with our library website apps, including exam papers and the booking room system. This is related to the new mega menu that was implemented today across the UC site, and the web team are currently working on a fix.
We’ll post again when the problem is resolved.
If students are asking for specific exam papers and are unable to get to them we (or Jack Arron) can email them out to them. Just flick e-services an email with student’s email address and the exam papers they were searching for.
Our subject guides are currently unavailable due to a technical fault. Springshare have identified the problem, and they should be available again shortly. We’ll update this post with a comment when the site is functioning again.
In preparation for the Library Web project, we’re starting to clean up and delete web pages that we’re 99% sure are no longer used. Whilst we’re doing our best to check for all link referrals before deleting, there will probably be some resulting broken links. If you come across any of these, please report them to Library eServices and we’ll either redirect or remove the link, or restore the deleted page.
Libguides guide owners/editors: please keep a particular eye out for any missing dynamic content in your guides, as we’re deleting old “key database” type lists that pre-date Biblioplus. Now would also be a good time to run your broken link reports (via the LibGuides admin menu).
We’ve had a bit of feedback that the staff development calendar is difficult to find, so we’ve added a few links in prominent places. You’ll now find one here in Counterculture (see the left-hand menu), and there are a few in relevant places within Camelot.
The link to Book a Library Workshop on the library homepage will also get you there in a roundabout way, but only if you have an account to log into LibCal.
If you’d like to learn more about LibGuides and LibCal (including asset management, using remote scripts & widgets, My Scheduler, setting up workshops, etc), please come along to our session this morning from 10.30am in the Den. We still have plenty of spaces available, and can provide individual help during the session.
On Tue 18th & Wed 19th October, eServices will be running two sessions on LibGuides and LibCal. These sessions are aimed at subject librarians, but will be open to all staff wanting to improve their knowledge of these two products .
Sessions will cover the basics and some new features. Please let us know about the main things you struggle with, any features you’d really like to know more about, and any tricks and tips you would like to share. Email your suggestions to us at Library eServices or bring your ideas along to a session.
Time allowing, sessions will also include one-on-one help for any individual issues (or we can follow up with you after the session).
Both sessions will run from 10.30-12.30 in the Den, Level 2, Central Library. Please book via the staff development calendar.
Our Academic Complete subscription includes access to book display widgets from”LibraryThing for Libraries” to showcase titles available in our Academic Complete ebrary holdings. They can be customised by subject area/tags, and could be used in Subject Guides, general web pages, Facebook, blog posts, etc. I’ve set up a LibGuides page with 3 examples of different types of displays, but there are several more options available.
If anyone is interested in trying one of these, please contact Library eServices for details.
LibraryH3lp (our AskLive service) seem to be experiencing some technical problems at the moment, so the site is currently down. We’re not sure how long the problem is expected to last, but they’re working on it.
Please post a comment if you find that the service has returned.