Thanks to the help of E-services, thousands of images from the UC Library archives are now online. These are from collections we have digitised in the past (e.g. some of our glassplates) but have not had the tools to put online. Thanks to Minisis that is now changing.
Take a look. You can either search by a keyword in KK (try “outdoors”) then filter your results by Collection Type “photographs”. Or if you want to browse through some entire collections, use Advanced Search and enter one of these collection numbers: 1114, 1065, 1091, 1071.
If you find records without a thumbnail, it means we haven’t had it digitised yet. With at least 120,000 photos in the collection, we still have a fair way to go 🙂
You will note that some of the descriptions are a bit brief because we literally have no information about the images (there are lots of images titled plate 0001, plate 0002, girl with dog, river scene etc). Of course, this is ideal for crowdsourcing, so if you recognise a place, person or something else, do let me know. Collections like ours rely on the knowledge of the experts out there!
I’m keen to hear your thoughts, and if you would like to have a session on searching KK or learning more about the archives, please do get in touch.