All posts by fmw13

EL materials moving to Central today

Out of scope materials from the Engineering Library will be moved to Central Library today. Information Librarians have spent the last three weeks weeding the material in preparation for this move. The items will be stored temporarily on the empty shelves on Level 4 at the end of the PQ sequence, until labelling is sorted and they can be integrated into the main sequence. Library IT will make a global change to the collection code on the catalogue.
The material from EL is largely in the following areas: G, HD, HF, QE, QH, QE, QH, R, S, SB, SF, SK.
There may be a short period when this material is unavailable.


CUPS/Prep essays

If you are asked about essay topics for Prep (Certificate of University Study), all the students should have been to classes in the week preceding Easter (but not all came!). These are the topics
commercial and environmental aspects of aquaculture
pros and cons of using 1080 pesticide to protect native species
negative and positive aspects of computer gaming.
overprotective parents

They need to find 3-5 sources only – newspapers and government web sites are ok, according to the tutors. In the tutorial we covered the library catalogue, Google Advanced for govt sites and the multidisciplinary databases – General Onefile, EbscoHost, ProQuest.

The trickiest topic is the overparenting one. There are 2 books on 3 hour loan
Worried all the time.
Paranoid parenting

Useful terms for database searches
helicopter child* or helicopter parent* or helicopter kid*
parent* and overinvolve*

Essay is due on Monday. Feel free to send any students to Dave, Cuiying or me.
