All posts by gjf58

New staff welcome event on Thursday

Kia ora koutou,

This Thursday 13th May is our welcome event for new Library staff in 2020/2021. This is a catered event with hot drinks and a light morning tea. All staff are welcome to come and manaaki our new colleagues. Thank you all for RSVP-ing promptly.

Time & Place:

  •  Undercroft, 10-11am

Event run-sheet:

    • 10am: karakia mō te kai
    • 10-10.20am: grab a cuppa and some kai, quick chat, take a seat
    • 10.20-10.40am:  managers introductions of new staff (and new staff do own intros if they wish)
    • 10.40-11am: grab another cuppa, have a chat and get to know each other

Looking forward to a morning of whakawhanaungatanga.





Congratulations Isabella

Kia ora whānau,

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to head along to Eke Tangaroa, the  Māori Graduation ceremony and I spotted one of our newest Library colleagues Isabella, graduating with a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours.

Ka mau te wehi Isabella! Awesome achievement. 🙂

New Library Staff Welcome Event

Kia ora koutou,

There will be a New Library Staff Welcome Event on Thursday May 13th 10-11am. This will be to welcome all new staff to UC Library during 2020/2021 to date. All Library staff are welcome to attend.

More details will be provided and an e-invite will follow. Please RSVP promptly so I can gauge numbers accurately for catering.

Kia pai tō koutou rā,


Sheffield Training Workshops Outline

Mōrena tātou,

Here is an outline of the content of the upcoming training workshops. This has been provided by the facilitator Andrea Bankier of Sheffield. Just a reminder to accept only one invite for April and one for June.

There will be an email sent  to all attendees the week before the workshops that will include a small amount of pre-work.

Ngā mihi,


Workshops Outline:

  • Reflect on your preferred ways of working, interacting and communicating.
  • Explore the impact of your preferences on people who have different preferences and vice versa.
  • Reflect on the TMP profile for Library staff – insights into working effectively together to achieve results.
  • Understand perspectives different from mine – based on TMP.
  • Build confidence to deal with others who are different to me.
  • Find ways to be resourced and able to resolve when people don’t work the same way as me.  Exploring options for when “my preferred approach wasn’t successful and I didn’t achieve the results needed”.
  • Identify strategies to interact effectively with others:                   -Knowing my triggers and what will trigger a less helpful response in myself, when I interact with tricky people, for example micro-aggressive behaviour.                                                -“Please listen to me” – putting my views forward.  Using a range of techniques for a more courageous conversation.

Upcoming Professional Learning Workshops

Kia ora tātou,

We want to continue to grow our culture of positive workplace interactions. The aim for the following training is to add new skills to everyone’s communication toolbox.

The upcoming series of training workshops have been tailored for the Library, run by Sheffield and will be facilitated by Andrea Bankier.

These workshops will focus on interpersonal communication within a professional setting.

Everyone is encouraged to attend these sessions. The first round are in April and the follow up workshops will be in June.

Each workshop will be run twice to allow as many attendees as possible. Please only accept one invite in April and one in June.


Thursday 15th, 2-4pm

Tuesday 20th, 9-11am


Thursday 17th, 2-4pm

Tuesday 22nd, 9-11am

Please chat to your manager if you have any questions, or to add this into your Mahi Tahi as Professional Learning.

Ngā mihi,
