All posts by gjf58

Eke Tangaroa | Māori Graduation Celebration

Kia ora tātou,

I attended Eke Tangaroa, the Māori Graduation Ceremony this morning.

It was an absolute pleasure to see many amazing students and colleagues receive their taonga mātauranga in front of their whānau and friends.

It was the largest group of Māori graduands in the 15 year history of the Eke Tangaroa celebrations.

The Library and it’s resources was mentioned in a couple of thank you speeches; it was really lovely to see the help acknowledged that we provide here at the flaxroots of UC student support. It was a good reminder that this whakatauki really rings true –  Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini: My bravery/successes are not mine alone, but are from the actions/help of many.

There were many familiar Library regulars alongside Aotahi and wider UC colleagues receiving taonga. Ka mau te wehi!

Nā Gabrielle

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – ā tērā wiki!

Kia ora e te whānau o te UC Puna,

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an annual opportunity for concentrated celebration, promotion and encouragement of te Reo Māori – and it’s next week!

Events run each day of the week organised by a collaboration of Te Waka Pākakano, Te Akatoki, UC Rec Centre, UC Puna, and students of Hōaka Pounamu and Kuru Pounamu. Several cafes on campus also have half price kāwhe me te kaputī.

Take a look at the timetable and plan some te reo breaks into your working week: Te-Wiki-AVC-Timetable-2020

One key event is Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori | The Maori Language Moment, a new  initiative for 2020 that asks us to pause at the same time around Aotearoa me te Wai Pounamu and celebrate te Reo Māori. It is a defining moment that commemorates when in 1972, 30,000 signatures were delivered to Parliament calling for te reo Māori to be taught in schools. At 12pm on Rāhina | Monday UC Library will be hosting this event on level 2, PJH.  Sign up online and be counted as one in a million here:

Mauri ora!

Nā te rōpū o Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2020

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Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2020

Tēnā rā koutou katoa,

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an annual opportunity for celebration, promotion and encouragement of te Reo Māori – and it is fast approaching!! This year it is 14-20 Mahuru | September.

This is YOUR chance to be involved in 2020. We are seeking 6-7 volunteers across UC Library to assist in planning and leading activities. We recognise Library kaimahi are already busy and COVID-19 has put a spanner in the works, so we won’t re-invent the wheel this year. We will use the most successful activities and ideas from previous years and rebrand and refresh them. Activities could include te reo storytimes for tamariki, creating engaging displays, reo Māori games-time and support at UC wide events. We might need innovative ideas for ‘physically distant but socially engaging’ activities.

Commitment will likely be a weekly zui (zoom hui) from next week onwards, and some of your own time spent supporting and organising behind the scenes. We will meet kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) when we are able. You don’t need any reo Māori fluency, but you do need enthusiasm for the kaupapa and a willingness to learn and share.

Have a chat with your manager if you are interested in supporting Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2020, then get in touch with either myself or Jo ASAP to register your interest.

Mauri ora!

Nā Gabrielle

Pātai o te Rā #4

Te Ara Pourewa o Ngāi Tahu is the name for the artworks trail that weaves the Cultural Narrative across the UC campus. Tell me the name of one of the artworks and what stage of the Cultural Narrative journey it signifies. The artworks are atop the help point towers that dot the campus, take a walk and enjoy them and the spring putiputi.

I had lots of great whakatauki emailed through this morning, he nui te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Gabrielle

Pātai o te Rā #3

Ata mārie,

Anei te pātai mō tēnei ata:

Find a whakatauki that resonates with you. Let me know what it is. It’s up to you if you want to challenge yourself to use it in your communication with others, within your emails, or stick it on your wall as motivation.

Remember to email me for a chance at tiakarete, 🙂 🙂

Pātai o Te Rā 2018

Kia ora mai tātou! Nau mai, haere mai ki ‘Te Pātai o Te Rā 2018’.

This week in honour of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, I will be posting questions that relate to te reo Māori. I invite you to give them a go, email me your answers and you might be lucky enough to score yourself a tiakarete. Pātai will be posted on Counterculture on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. All questions are designed to be answered from your desk, using a variety of online websites and tools. My email is

I look forward to your participation. Mauri ora!

Pātai 1) Please explain what this year’s theme means: Kia Kaha te Reo Māori. If you need some help visit and read about this year’s event, along with browsing the services, resources and publications that Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori provide.