All posts by Greg Marshall

TelSig Forum at UC – Expressions of Interest to Attend

The Telsig Forum is going to be hosted by UC on July 4 – 5th.  There is  financial support for a limited number of staff to attend the forum.

If you would like to attend and have not already approached your manager, would you do so by Friday May 3 for the sessions that you would like to attend.

The programme was emailed to staff and  is also available at


Alarm Testing

Kia ora Tatou,

Recently,  there have  been alarms in the library as a result of alarm testing in Puaka James Hight. Our  response to unnotified alarm testing provided by Facilities Management Team is:

“If the alarm stops within 10 seconds then it is a test and there is no need to evacuate”.

The library will be notified for the annual testing of alarms and these will be communicated to staff.  Where unscheduled  alarm testing occurs,  FM has advised that they will endeavour if possible to broadcast a warning over the system before any test in the building.

All other alarms require that the building be evacuated until the fire service gives permission to reenter the building.



Appointment – Library Research Services Manager

We welcome Stuart Broughton to the UC Library and to the Learning, Teaching and Research Team.  Stuart has worked at UC since 2003 when he was involved with the introduction of PBRF.  He currently works at  Research and Innovation and will join our team on the 11th of April.   Nau mai Stuart.

We acknowledge our applicants for their courage and willingness to  stand and make a difference – Mauri Ora.

Panui: Learning, Teaching and Research Newsletter – Hui-Tanguru

Kia ora Tātou,

On behalf of the LTR team, we offer the March newsletter for the library whanau.  2016-02-LTR-Panui  at



This month we celebrate anew the annual  summer migration of students returning to UC Campuses and Libraries.

For your enjoyment we have included; 25 years and still going strong, Reo my World, Why I love my PHD,  eBook saves the day for the 800 amongst others.  Nick Ford rocks eLearning  as he encourages interactive multi-media in PDF’s  as a teaching and learning tool.

As always, big thanks to our contributors, Nick as a first time contributor and to Te Paea for the creation of the  revamped LTR newsletter.

Tāngata Tū, Tāngata Ora

Learning, Teaching and Research Newsletter

Kia ora Tatou,

The LTR Kohitātea  issue for  2016 is hot off the press.   Catch up on the latest news, pics of familiar faces, some goss and the desperately seeking names competition.


Thanks to Te Paea Paringatai, who was the editor for this issue  – anei te mihi Tumuaki – and to all of our contributors.



“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.”
Shelby Foote







Education Library Relocation Feedback by 28 Nov

Kia ora Tatou  |  Hello All,

You feedback about the Education Library Relocation meeting in available online.  Thanks to Tim Stedman for his facilitation and documentation of the feedback meetings to capture the contributions of library staff for you to review,  add suggestions and ideas.

It is called problem-solving-Education-Relocation-2015-11-18
at K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Education-Library-move-2016\Meetings.

After this, it will go to Library Management, UC and Project Office to progress the planning and design phase.

Thank you to all who have contributed – Mauri Tu,

Greg Marshall


Education Library Relocation Meeting – Feedback for Collections. Education Library

Kia ora Tatou,

There is a feedback meeting being held at the Education Library on Wednesday 18th November 2-4pm.

You are invited to bring your ideas and feedback about the Education Library and the Collections when it is relocated to PJH in 2016/2017.

Aurelia provided a report titled, “Space Environment Ethos,” with recommendations for potential locations at PJH.    (K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Education-Library-move-2016).

There is also a space design document for communal areas for L3 –  PJH (6300 James Hight L3 Study Areas) for previous designs to facilitate communal study areas.

Take the opportunity to give your feedback.  All staff are welcome to attend.

Mauri Tu,  Mauri Ora


Education Collection Location in Central Library – Feedback

Kia ora Tatou,

You are invited to provide feedback and ideas around a location for the Education Library Collection when it comes to PJH in 2016.   Aurelia provided a report titled, “Space Environment Ethos,” with recommendations for potential locations at PJH  (K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Education-Library-move-2016).

Take the opportunity to give your feedback – I look forward to a preferred option to feedback to the Education Relocation Project  team on Friday.

Mauri Tu,  Mauri Ora


Pre Library Strategy Meeting

Kia ora Tatou,

This is an invitation to come along to sate your curiosity and explore ideas about the draft library strategic plan.  It will be  held tomorrow – Wednesday 4th November at 2-3pm in the Kauri room, level 5 PJH.

The strat plan document titled Strategic-Goals-2016-2020.pptx is at K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Planning\2016

If you would like a seat you may need to come early….

Ka kite apopo |  See you tomorrow,
