The minutes from the most recent Health and Safety minutes are now available on the K drive: K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Meetings\Minutes\H&S-Libr-2018-10-16
Highlights include an update to the refresher training module, which everyone must complete regularly, to show you understand how to look out for yourself and others at work.
The module is available here: K:\LIBR-Library\Health-Safety\Health&Safety_staff_refresher_training.ppsx
A big THANK YOU to everyone who took part in today’s Health & Safety Assessment.
Paul Coleman ranged far and wide, visiting Macmillan Brown, Central Library, the Law Basement and Library Warehouses, and even the EPS rolling stacks!
I really appreciated that everyone he met was friendly and helpful, plus you answered all his questions, however unexpected.
The feedback from Paul this afternoon was very positive so it’s looking good for our formal report and the Library H&S reps got a special “shout out” for being awesome.
Tuesday 9th Oct @ 1pm in Room 210 Puaka-James Hight
Thursday 11th Oct @ 10:30am in Poutama (388) Puaka-James Hight
Anne will give a general overview then people from each area of the Library will update you on their work.
In preparation for spending time together thinking about what we are doing collectively, here is some viewing of a significant aspect of our work experience – happiness. It is 12 minutes long. If that seems a bit long to concentrate on, try starting in at 7min 31sec and watching to the end.
Shawn Achor is a happiness (positive psychology) researcher and we hold a couple of his books in the Library collections.
[Thanks to Tracey from HR for the reference to this TED talk]
I am pleased to announce that Bronwyn Collins was successful in being recruited into a new part-time eServices Coordinator role. From later this month, Bronwyn will start working as part of the eServices team supporting and developing our systems and software to better aid our users.
The role is 0.5 FTE so the current plan is that Bronwyn will spend half a week working in this area and half a week in her current Resource Discovery Librarian role. Congratulations Bronwyn!
I am pleased to announce that Brian McElwaine has accepted appointment to the role of Resource Discovery Manager (6 month fixed term). Brian comes with a wealth of enthusiasm to learn about the LAC team and our work.
I hope Brian will be able to start in the next month: the official start date will be agreed with the Learning Teaching & Research team.
Congratulations, Brian. LAC looks forward to working with you.
I went for a tour of the Rehua building on 4th September. I took photos on my way round.
For a sneak peek of what the CoEHHD and the Executive Development programme will be moving into later this year, I’ve saved the photos here: K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Education-Library-move-2016\Photos\Photos of Rehua-2018-09-04
The Access and Collections Team seeks a warm and knowledgeable librarian to join us.
The Resource Discovery Manager role focuses on ensuring the discoverability of information resources. The role requires someone with good interpersonal and communication skills. In their work with the team, the role should encourage a participative approach and help to develop others. Further details about the role are available in the position description (link works in IE only).
The position is fixed term for 6 months. This to give an opportunity to Library staff to gain understanding and experience of a management position and develop their people and strategic management skills. After this, it is planned that the role will be advertised externally as a continuing position.
For a discussion about this opportunity, please contact Helen Thomas.
Expressions of Interest (EoI) should be submitted to by 12pm on Wednesday 29th August 2018
The EoI should outline:
Why you are interested in this position
What skills and experience you will bring to the position
What technical or professional knowledge you will bring to the position
The submission of the EoI forms part of the recruitment process. This will be followed a formal selection process and interview.