All posts by ijl12

Maori language readers at Edu

Several students are asking about readers on particular topics. There are lists of some of these on Learn- under Pataka Reo which is a ‘course’ that all students have access to. Once in Pataka Reo, if they click on ‘Rauemi Reo-Language Resources’ then scroll down to the bottom, they will see two lists by topic, one for Level 1 and one for Level 2. They will need to look at both of these to see if their topic is covered. If there’s nothing there, then it’s back to a catalogue search using the keywords: maori language readers and whatever their topic is. Caroline

Finding topics in the Maori language readers

To find stories on a particular topic in the series: He Kohikohinga; Te Tautoko; orTe Wharekura, type the name of the series and the keyword into the TKI search box . Try both Mâori and English words. The results can take a bit of working out. If a student’s te reo skills are not very high, probably only He Kohikohinga will be of use. Remember that the individual readers can be searched on the catalogue by doing a keyword search using maori language readers and the topic.
See the School Journal and Graded Readers page on the Education Library subject guide for slightly more detail.

Maori curriculum documents

Kia ora

Some students have been asking for curriculum guidelines lately…

The curriculum guidelines for teaching Te Reo Mâori in English-medium schools is called:
Te Aho Arataki Marau mô te Ako i Te Reo Mâori – Kura Auraki : Curriculum guidelines for teaching and learning Te Reo Mâori in English-medium Schhols: Years 1-13.
This is easiest to find by keyword searching: reo maori english medium.
There are several lending copies and two in Reference.
It is available from TKI.
The draft document is called “Te Reo Mâori in the Dew Zealand Curriculum: Draft” so students expect the final version to be called this.

We also have the Mâori Curriculum. This is called:
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Although it is a similar layout to the “New Zealand Curriculum”, it is a separate document rather than a translation of the English document.
We have both lending and a reference copy.
Annoyingly, it is not available online though the draft is.


LibGuides training/working sessions

These are informal sessions where Catherine and Alison J or Deborah will be available to share ideas and help you work on your individual guides. The sessions will be held in the Level 5 training room on:

Thursday 29th January at 2pm

Thursday 5th February at 11am.

These sessions are quite informal – just turn up if and when you need to. We are hoping that as many LibGuides as possible can be published by 16th February before Semester 1 begins (earlier for the Education Library).

Maori collection

We now have markers for the shelving trolley so the two parts of this collection can be kept separate. These match the (rather small) labels on the Recently Returned shelves. Please put these markers in the books on either end of the trolley when making up a trolley so that the shelvers can easily see which part of the collection to shelve into.
Thanks, Caroline

Federated Searching Recommendation

The Federated Searching project group met on Friday to decide whether to recommend renewing the subscription to Serials Solutions 360 Search.

Use of this search, particularly the Easy Search databases, has risen significantly (see the statistics on Camelot) since it was put on the library’s homepage.

Staff and students were surveyed in a joint survey with the Catalogue Replacement Project group and the responses were generally positive. Overall 360 Search seems to be working much as it was hoped it would, providing an easy place to start for customers who don’t know which database to search or who don’t want to have to deal with multiple databases individually, and alerting users to useful databases.
Catherine has summarised the responses and the full results can also be viewed.

Catherine is continuing to work with Serials Solutions on the white screen/speed issue and we are hopeful of a solution to the problem.

It is intended to add a connector for the Digital Library.

The project group is planning to recommend to LLT that the subscription to 360 Search is renewed. If this is accepted, it is recommended that any proposed changes to individual database connectors are discussed on Counterculture and that any major decisions are made by the Datasets group.

If you have any comments of these recommendations, please let us know by Friday.