All posts by ijm30

Mid-Winter Fun: Closing date extended 4th September 5pm

Still time to enter – and enter as many times as you like…..  Closing date extended to 4th September 5pm.

Picture this…

A stern fellow sits in fine academic regalia, staring out at all who pass on level 2 of the Central Library. Who is he, what is he thinking and what is he up to? As you are all sitting most precariously on the edges of your seats, breaching many health and safety regulations, I feel I must share.

The ‘Who’ can be answered easily; the stern fellow in question is none other than the esteemed Cantabrian, James Hight. Okay, not him exactly, I’m talking about his portrait.

But as for the ‘Thinking’ and the ‘Up to’, well, those are harder questions.

Here is your challenge, should you choose to accept it. Write a caption that might go beneath James Hight’s portrait and enter it in one of the following categories below.

Category 1: Library Loveliness – any caption library-related.

Category 2: Te Reo Mâori – any caption accepted as long as it’s in Te Reo Mâori.

Category 3: Realms of Randomness – any content accepted whatsoever

And if you needed a sweetener, there will be prizes of such amazing awesomeness they would cause your knees to quiver if I was to divulge what they were. So I won’t. Not now. Maybe later.

Entries can be submitted now until 30th August and our panel of judges will decide on the winner of each category in 1st week September.

Good luck and have fun!

Click here to enter the competition and study the portrait at your leisure!

PS: competition organizer is Isabel. Usernames will only be used to identify the winner of riches and glory.

Power Points in Law

Hi all,

Several power points in the Law library stopped working on Sunday.

The problem sockets are:
The double power socket on the right under the LCD screen
The double power socket on the pillar on your right as you enter the library
The two double power sockets under the lending desk labelled DB2 and B23 (one on the far left and one under the middle PC)

Fiona has contacted security and they will send an electrician on Monday.
