We’ve been working on updating and improving the web page about creating stable (persistent) links to Library resources. These links can be used on any web page, but are particularly useful in Learn and subject guide pages. It’s a public page on our public web site, aimed both at Library staff and academics. See Creating links to Library resources
It’s been expanded to include information about creating links to catalogue records, and the section about how to find and copy links in the records of individual databases and then modify them to include a correct reference to ezproxy has been updated and simplified.
It’s not a simple process, but the page attempts to provide enough information so that everything is covered, but with a logical path to only the information needed to create any one link at any one time. The most important information that it is trying to get across is that it’s not possible to copy a URL from the browser from within a resource, as this won’t be stable. It also refers users to the Library for more assistance if needed. Please send any feedback about the page (improvements, ways to make it easier to read etc) to Library IT
The next job is to try to make this page more easily found from other web pages.
Many thanks to Deirdre and Patricia, and Donna and other people in Library IT for their input on the content of the page.
Catherine Jane