All posts by insiders

A second attempt at retiring Camelot website

In November we tried to retire all the old Camelot web site files, see RIP Camelot web site but found there were still some resources using some of the images etc from the old Camelot.

Hopefully these have now all been retemplated and we can finally retire the old Camelot web site (not the wiki). To this end, we’ve renamed (not deleted) the folder containing the files.

Please let us know if this breaks anything else.

Catherine Jane

creating stable web links to Library resources

We’ve been working on updating and improving the web page about creating stable (persistent) links to Library resources. These links can be used on any web page, but are particularly useful in Learn and subject guide pages. It’s a public page on our public web site, aimed both at Library staff and academics. See Creating links to Library resources

It’s been expanded to include information about creating links to catalogue records, and the section about how to find and copy links in the records of individual databases and then modify them to include a correct reference to ezproxy has been updated and simplified.

It’s not a simple process, but the page attempts to provide enough information so that everything is covered, but with a logical path to only the information needed to create any one link at any one time. The most important information that it is trying to get across is that it’s not possible to copy a URL from the browser from within a resource, as this won’t be stable. It also refers users to the Library for more assistance if needed. Please send any feedback about the page (improvements, ways to make it easier to read etc) to Library IT

The next job is to try to make this page more easily found from other web pages.

Many thanks to Deirdre and Patricia, and Donna and other people in Library IT for their input on the content of the page.

Catherine Jane

Subject librarians – please check subject dropdowns

On the following web pages there are dropdown select boxes where users can choose to find information relevant to a particular subject:

Citations and Referencing

Could all subject librarians please check the links for their subject to ensure that they are there and correct. Please email any required changes/corrections etc to Library IT.


Please check web pages for accuracy for the start of the academic year

As we approach the start of the new academic year (and the College of Education has already started) we need to be sure that the information on our web pages is up to date for 2010, so please could you check web pages in your area. This particularly applies to online tutorials and other help pages, but there may be other pages that need to be updated as well.

I’m very aware that there will need to be major changes made to the PSL and Engineering Library pages and to pages that refer to them, once the merger date is finally confirmed, and these will be given high priority at that time.

Access to the Library’s web site has been reinstated for a number of staff in all areas of the Library, but Library IT is always available to update pages as well, and to help with using the new template. Please send any requests or enquiries to the Library IT email address.

Catherine Jane

Horizon upgrade and PC Reliance

Could a representative from each Branch and Central Lending please let Library IT know if you intend to use PC Reliance at circulation desks during the Horizon upgrade on Tue-Wed morning. We expect that Horizon will be unavailable from 5pm on Tuesday to around midday on Wednesday. We’ll notify each location when Horizon is available again.


Retemplating Library website

I’m going to put up the retemplated version of the Library’s website today. If all goes well, it will only be down for a very short period of time, and then you will only notice that it has changed; if not, I should be able to switch it back fairly quickly.

When you notice it has changed, please keep a beady eye out for any pages that don’t look right, or for any information recently updated, where the update was not applied to the newly templated version.

The new template requires an updated version of Dreamweaver, so we are not automatically reinstating access for everyone who had it before. Before Christmas Anne wrote to managers explaining this and indicating that we think the number of DW licences should be considerably reduced, now that we are using blogs, wikis, and LibGuides to create so much content. If you feel you still need DW, talk to your manager.

Many thanks
