All posts by Joan Simpson

Joan’s new role

I have just advised LAC and Library Managers that I intend to leave UC on Friday 22 June, provided there is no appeal against my appointment. I have accepted a position with the National Library here in Christchurch. My new job title is a bit long but here goes – Kotui / APNK Business Operations and Development Manager (APNK is short for Aotearoa People’s Network Kaharoa). Internal Affairs announce my appointment on their intranet for 7 days and provided there is no appeal I will officially resign. I will be sorry to leave UC, I have a very interesting position and good people to work with. However, I am really excited to be taking on this new role.

Toilets Level 5 PJH

The women’s toilets by LAC workroom are now available for use. Unfortunately a dead pigeon is the reason why there are many flies about, The pigeon is in a place in the ceiling cavity where cleaning services cannot get to it. There may still be some flies in the toilets this week but they should be reducing. Cleaning services are doing all they can to keep the area clean.

Health and Safety – Henry Field Library Store

Work has started on the alterations to the tea room in the Henry Field Library Store to more easily accommodate the 40 staff from HR. Also for the next two days there are contractors completing some shelving changes. Down on level 1 there will be a growing pile of steel to be disposed of. Please take care when you are working in Henry Field. There will be no kitchen facilities for the next couple of weeks. So please take your breaks before or after you go, use the Education staffroom or the cafe onsite.

Please remember to sign in when you enter the building. Regards Joan

Library Update for Windows 10

Thanks to the 11 staff have started receiving the Windows 10 upgrade. These staff will be feeding back to the project team so that the larger rollout runs as smoothly as it can.
Central Library level 2: Caroline Anderson & Rebecca Fisher EPS Library: Nicola Smith & Nick Scullin Macmillan Brown Library: Caroline Syddall
Central Library level 5: Nicole Moffat; Bronwyn Collins; Fiona Wilson; Wendy Dowsett; Kiera Tauro; Helen Thomas.

These staff may be able to share their learning with you when your own machine is upgraded.
ITS will be given an order in which to upgrade computers. We will be working together with teams to decide on the order – primarily to ensure there is no disruption to service or you workload.
Over 40 machines are to be replaced before the upgrade starts – so over the coming weeks you are likely to see more IT staff in our work spaces.

Please ensure that you have read the message from Robert Kadluboski which was on Counterculture on 3 May . Robert has given instructions for you and provided links to very useful resources. Please read these so that you are informed and ready for the changes which are going to happen to your PC. If you have any queries please contact Peter Kennedy or me.

Book Giveaway 24/5/18, rm 210

We plan to offer a smaller book giveaway on Thursday 24 May in room 210. Starting at 1.15 pm. We will take cartons down between 11 and 12 but the room is booked 12-1pm. So it will be a quick set up time before people can come and take the items. There are some CDs, Young Adult Fiction, science topics published early 1900’s from the Royal Society donation and no longer required by the Society or the University and miscellaneous usually duplicates, some donations not required- about 30 cartons. Our marketing team are promoting the event.

Message from LIANZA Executive Director

If you are a LIANZA member then you will have received an email regarding this. I wanted to encourage all staff to offer feedback before 4-5 May. The survey should work for all of you. The following message is from Ana Pickering the Executive Director of LIANZA. Joan

Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins has invited LIANZA to attend the Education Conversation Kōrero Mātauranga Summit on May 4-5 in Christchurch.

This is our chance to shine the light on the essential role of libraries and to have a say on the future of New Zealand education, for the next 30 years or more.

We would like to take the voices of LIANZA members to this conversation ….but need your help. Your first step is to share with us your thoughts, examples and suggestions.

1. Examples of how your library service demonstrates its support for learning within the community you work (school, kura, university, public, business, community, health, police, research, tertiary, prison).
2. Suggestions for how libraries could be utilized more effectively to provide support for life-long learning to all New Zealanders.
3. What you consider to be the best-kept secret libraries and librarians should be sharing about how they support learning and learners?

Please share your thoughts via this form by Friday May 4

Then take one more step to make sure librarians are even more visible in this important conversation!

Share your ideas directly with the Minister of Education by answering the five questions in the below survey by May 31

Responses to these five questions will be shared with participants from across education at the summits in May.

Make sure you record in the survey that ‘libraries’ is your connection to education.

So join the conversation, spread the word and post publicly on Facebook and Twitter #EdConvo18.

Thank you for helping make the vital, vibrant voice of LIANZA heard in this important conversation!

Ngā mihi,

Ana Pickering
LIANZA Executive Director

Thinking about work culture – today 11 am in Kauri

A session called Blue Clues was facilitated on 22 March with staff from across UC. (Blue: refers to the four constructive styles – Achievement, Self-Actualising, Humanistic-Encouraging and Affiliative and CLUES: Culture Leader Understanding and Education Seminars  Some library staff attended and found it useful.  The links to the recordings of the event can be accessed via the following link.  Our work culture

If you would like to watch an edited version with colleagues then come along to the Kauri meeting room on Friday 27 April, 11 am.  Shaun McCarthy, the Chairman of Human Synergistics Australia/New Zealand was the guest speaker.