All posts by jco112

Moving on

Kia ora library whanau

Just a note to let you all know that I’ll be moving on from UC as  I’ve been appointed as Regional Archivist, Christchurch at Archives New Zealand | Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga.

It’s been a real privilege to work at UC and to lead the MB team for  these past 6 years. I’ve really enjoyed working with all of you.  My last day will be 20 November, and no doubt there will be the usual festivities so stay tuned.


Kaitakawaenga Māori role

The role of Kaitakawaenga Māori, previously held by Nekerangi, is now being advertised on UC jobs.,3532

Posting this role so soon was a bit of an emotional process, but Nekerangi was absolutely dedicated to the success of Māori students, and Anne I and believe this role is essential for continuing that legacy of Māori student success.

Please feel free to share this with your networks, and it will be advertised elsewhere as appropriate.


Warm fuzzies from History Hons

Dave C, Erin and I went along to a celebration for the History Honours students who submitted their 480 theses today. History hons co-ordinator Jane Buckingham wanted to pass on her appreciation for the support they received during this very difficult year ‘we just couldn’t have done it without the librarians’. So thanks to everyone who supported these students, including the LAC team who worked so hard behind the scenes to make library resources accessible during lockdown. There is some leftover cake in the MB staff room, which is disappearing fast…

Knowlege commons session with Ekant Veer

Thanks to all who joined the zui this morning, it was a  very engaging presentation from Ekant and there were some great questions from library staff.

Here’s the link to the recording. Ekant is happy to take any follow up questions, comments, suggestions etc from library staff.



Pātai o te rā: Rāmere

Congratulations to Jenny for winning the tiakarete yesterday. Thanks to everyone else who answered. Ka rawe!

Today’s pātai: What year was Te Wiki o te Reo Māori | Māori Language week first officially celebrated in Aotearoa? (Hint: Te Taura whiri i te Reo Māori are the crown entity who support Te Wiki).

Email me your answer.

Pātai o te rā: Rāpare

Congratulations to Caroline A. for winning the tiakarete yesterday. And to Romy who was runner up and received bonus tiakarete for translating her answer into te reo Māori.

Today’s pātai:Name one of the commitments, and one of the strategy objective from Ngā Awa e Rua Strategy 2016-2020

Email me your answer.

Pātai o te rā: Rāapa

Congratulations to Hannah, winner of the tiakarete for yesterday’s pātai. I promise it’s not rigged for MB! I’m not getting a huge rush of email responses, so you’re definitely all in to win if you give it a go.

Today’s pātai: Kā Huru Manu is the Ngāi Tahu cultural mapping website. The site features a video about Te Kerēme, the Ngā Tahu Claim. How long did the narrator say it took for Ngāi Tahu to have their grievances heard by the crown?

Email me your answer.