We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve appointed Nanette Ainge and Kate Manning to the two fixed term library assistant roles, assisting with the architectural drawings move. Nanette has a background in health, having worked voluntarily for the Nurses Memorial Chapel, and Kate was formerly Records Preservation Officer for the Māori Land Court.
We will welcome Nanette and Kate to the MB team on 13 August, when they will start their 11 week contracts.
Eeeee….look at our revamped front desk! Mark from FM did a great job of creating a frontage that is tidy yet still allows the desk to move up and down. Watch this (blank) space as we’ll be adding decals.
This is part of our ongoing operational plan goal to refresh our public spaces that is being led by our Library Assistant team .
Hydestor will begin installing our new mobile architectural drawings shelving in the North side of the library warehouse today. Staff will still have entry to the warehouse, but please make yourself known to anyone working in the space so they are aware of your presence for safety reasons.
Hydestor staff will have been provided with access to the warehouse so please do not let anyone in – instead refer them to the security office who will be able to assist them.
Gabrielle was amused to find that our receipt printer had decided to have some Friday fun this morning. It randomly changed it’s font style to this lovely decorative old English style. The request pull list never looked so lovely…
In the spirit of whakahoahoa, UC Library Managers hosted our colleagues from Christchurch City Libraries’ Leadership Team last week for a shared session to look at our overall strategies and common issues facing our institutions.
We also wanted to get to know each other a bit better individually so we started with a ‘speed dating’ session. Trying to keep people to their allocated 5 minutes of chatting of was a bit like herding cats so I think that must be a good sign!
We then did some group work, dividing into tables to discuss areas of common interest such as organisational culture, bicultural competency, diversity and advocacy. It turns out we have a few differences and quite alot in common. While CCL have been heavily focused on their new Turanga: Central Library, they have also been working on some other significant areas. A bicultural service philosophy is being rolled by their Māori Services Team, and their organisational culture work is focusing on how they can be ‘One Library’ in a large and diverse network.
I think it was a really valuable session that will spark further opportunties for building relationships, mutual support, collaboration and ideas sharing in future. We are looking forward to being hosted in turn at Turanga in November.
Just wanted to let people know that we’re expecting the ceiling insulation work in the library warehouse to be completed by this Friday. This is much quicker than we expected so it we should be able to get access to the collections again from next week
Thanks so much to the lovely and thoughtful MB team for putting together this goodie pack to get me through moving house next week. With a pop up card made by our own crafty Rebecca. I’m very lucky to work with such a bunch of caring people!
Thanks to those of you who responded to our Kaweroko survey, we had 49 responses which exceeded my expectations! The results from the survey were on the whole very positive towards Kaweroko, our MB team newsletter. There were some differences in thinking on whether to retain it as a separate newsletter or merge with Pānui.
The Macmillan Brown Library team have had a chance to consider the survey results at our most recent team meeting and have made the following decisions:
We will retain Kaweroko as a separate publication of the MB team
We will reduce the frequency of issues from monthly to quarterly.
As a team we will make an effort to also contribute frequently to Pānui.