All posts by jmo41

Pacific Library Adviser talk at UC

LIANZA Aoraki Community
A Solomon Islands Library Experience
Wed 17 July 2019 at 7:30pm
University of Canterbury Central Library, Room 210
Tea and coffee provided from 7pm
Having spent over two years as VSA Library Adviser, volunteering in the Solomon Islands, Daphne Smithers (now working at Lincoln Uni Library) will share a few of her experiences and photographs in an informal talk.
Hear stories of humour, tragedy, successes and frustrations of living and working in a developing Pacific country. Literacy is low and there is very little access to books, even in schools, but gradually the Honiara City Library became a very popular space and a haven for students of all ages.

Delay in distance postage

Kia ora koutou

Unfortunately none of the requested books posted to distance students this week have been sent until today.  This is due to factors beyond our control (staff shortage in the mailroom).

If you get students querying where their book is please let them know there was an unforeseen delay. Please note we have extended the due dates on all items to account for this so they should still get them for the same amount of time.  The due date on their record will be different to the due date on the slip inside the book so they can check their library account for the new extended due date.
