All posts by jmo41

DPI Tip for July – Sit less, move more

Here is a link to a document produced by the Health Promotion Agency called  “A Guide to Sitting Less & Moving More for Office Workplaces”

Some tips from the document:

Update meeting agenda templates to include at least one agenda item during which everyone stands.

Encourage staff to walk over and talk to colleagues, rather than emailing

Organise staff challenges such as walking, pedometer or stair challenges

For those of us who do not wish to use a standing desk, there are lots of tips in here for how to get more movement into our working day.



New staff member for EPS

I am delighted to announce that Zina Swanson has been appointed as a library assistant in EPS Library.

She has worked for UC Libraries previously from 2008-2012 so will be familiar to some of you.  Zina is also an artist and we have some of her works in the UC Art Collection.

Zina starts on Wednesday 16 March.



Earthquake reminders

Yesterday’s earthquake is a good reminder that we still need to be prepared for any emergency situation.

Check your red emergency bag under your desk – refill your water bottle, check the date on your muesli bar or other non perishable food you have in there.

Check you have colleagues mobile numbers in your phone so you can check everyone is OK.  Keep your phone charged.

Make sure you are familiar with the emergency procedures, especially if you are new to UC within last few years and not quake savvy.

Safety and wellbeing of staff is the most important thing.  Hopefully you have all had a good chat and debrief this morning to make sure everyone is OK.

FYI – Central library had about 100 books on the floor, mainly on level 4.  EPS had about 20 books on the floor on levels 2-3. Education had a couple of books on the floor.
