All posts by kke24

Like free stuff??

I have weeded some posters and CD’s from the classroom collection. They are up on the floor on Level 5, along with some bits and bobs from Henry Field Store ( ink wells, Cuisenaire rods, and much more). I’ve put it all together in the same area on the floor. If you want to come up and take a look (and take something home), it will be there until next Monday 5th December.

TECP212 school journal assignment

Just a heads up that the TECP212 School Journal assignment is gathering  momentum. The due date is the 19th of August, at one minute to midnight.  Students need to locate a School Journal (820.809282 SCH) or a School Journal Story Library (428.6 various) resource. These are to be found in the Classroom Collection on level 4.

Distance students can email and request School Journal resources be scanned and sent to them.  If the resource they want is the entire book, then it will need to be posted.

The students have had a class on this assignment and here is information on their Learn site.  Let’s hope it all goes smoothly. Feel free to send any questions to Kathryn or Kiera. If we are not around, then try bailing up one of the past Education Library staff members in ELS. They know their stuff.

catapult courses project

The project looking into the UC catapult courses has been completed. Thanks to the project sponsor, Sara, and the project team of Margaret and Brian. The celebratory coffee and cake is about to be consumed.   We have produced a final report that outlines the different options available for library support, and how we can make academics aware of these options. If you want to read the final report, or any of the other documents associated with this project, head to the Projects folder on the k-drive.

Catapult courses

“Catapult courses” are UC courses that have been identified as being important for student progression  towards degree completion. If a student fails a catapult course, they are more likely to not gain their degree.

A project group, consisting of Margaret, Brian and Kathryn, has done an environmental scan of the key stage one catapult courses. We looked at the assignments for each course, and if the library had any input into the course. Input could be a face to face class, or providing embedded content on LEARN as examples.

The scan showed that for courses with no library input there was a sensible reason. For some, the assignments were multi-choice quizzes, or exams that offer no hook in for us. There were a couple of courses where we could have input, but investigation showed that ‘sister courses’ had relevant library input. So students were getting the information from us that they required.

If you are interested, the documentation and the Environmental scan report are on the k-drive. The list of courses is within the environmental scan report.





Referencing TKI pages & PDF’s

There has been a flurry of AskLive questions about how to reference information located on Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI).  This is a Ministry of Education site used mainly by teacher education students.

Referencing is a little tricky, as there is a main site (TKI), and other sites within TKI that are like standalone websites. These are the ones that need to be used in the reference list.

John has created some exemplars for us to follow, over and above what is on the library APA referencing pages. Thanks John, you are a star.

Get Started! Workshops on Zoom.

The Get Started! Workshops are starting up. We have 5 blocks of online workshops. The first is on March 1st and the last on March 11th. The workshops are all via Zoom.

If you get any questions on AskLive or in person about login problems, the pathway below will take you to the spreadsheet with the zoom links for each workshop. Mostly, each workshop block will use the same link. I have left a paper copy of the links at the three library customer service desks.

K:\Academic-Support\Teaching\Online\Get Started! 2021\GetStarted-S1-timetable-2012.xlsx

Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly.


NZMaths references in APA7

There have been some NZMaths referencing questions coming through AskLive in the past few days. I am aware of the variety of options available to us for creating what is a decent APA7 reference. After consulting with John, we went with the following format:

Ministry of Education, (YYYY). Title of thing in italics. NZMaths. https//:www.nzmaths.abc123

Don’t worry if you have given someone slightly different advice. I’m sure that I have struggled through different options in the past.