There are only five days left to to submit your 50 word story or poem for the Pānui flash fiction contest! Entries are due 28 November and can be emailed to any of your editors.
All posts by kta65
Pānui Flash Fiction Contest
Calling all library wordsmiths! Does the 50,000 word goal of Nanowrimo seem a bit out of your reach? Or, do you need a convenient method of procrastination?
This month Pānui will be hosting a short fiction contest (and yes, there will be prizes which include a batch of Fiona’s best Russian fudge).
We invite you to submit your best short story or poem that is exactly 50 words in length. Submissions will be anonymously posted in the next issue of Pānui, and a poll will be released along with the issue so everyone can vote for their favourites.
Please email your submission to your editors (Kiera, Fiona T., Simon and/or Hugh) by 28 November!
May the odds be ever in your favour.
Meet Bob (the builder)
Kia ora koutou,
Today at central we got to unbox our brand new 3D printer. We have given it the preliminary name of Bob, but only as a place holder. We’re still waiting on the filaments (the big spools of plastic you actually use to print things) but for now we can still look and admire.
For anyone curious about what we can make with it, our options include anything on this site plus whatever we can think up and design ourselves.
October Pānui
Happy Halloween!
Please enjoy your October issue of Pānui.
Pānui – October 2017 (Link only works in Internet Explorer)
K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Communications\LTR-Newsletters\Panui 2.0\2017-10-LTR-Panui.pdf
Also, for those not quite up to the 50,000 word challenge of NaNoWriMo, your editors at Pānui invite you to participate in our flash fiction contest! Please send us your best story of exactly 50 words and we will anonymously publish the entries in our November issue. We will then open a poll where you can vote for your favourite entries. Keep an eye on this space for more details.
Keeping up with Invercargill
Say it Tika
Kia ora koutou,
Google Maps has teamed up with Vodafone to fix the automated pronunciation of Māori place names in Google, and they need your help!
I came across the project, called ‘Say it Tika (right)’ over the weekend and thought some of us might want to have a go as part of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (or just generally, because it’s a really cool idea)!
If you want more information about the project, check out this article on Stuff.
August Pānui
Kia ora koutou,
Can you believe this month marks the one year anniversary of your new editors taking over Pānui? We can’t either. Hopefully it continues to be everything you’ve dreamed of and more. Read this months issue here:
Pānui – August 2017 (Link only works in Internet Explorer)
K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Communications\LTR-Newsletters\Panui 2.0\2017-08-LTR-Panui.pdf
Questions/comments/submissions/musings can be directed to the usual place.
3 Years of New Zealand
As of next month I’ll have been in New Zealand for three amazing years, and I decided to have a play with iMovie and organise some of my photos into a little movie/slideshow. Anton suggested that I post it here, so if anyone is interested in having a look, enjoy!
[vimeo 230889559 w=640 h=360]
3 Years in New Zealand from kaytee on Vimeo.
July Pānui
Kia ora koutou,
Here’s a little something something to brighten up your Monday – the July issue of Pānui is here!
Pānui – July 2017 (Link only works in Internet Explorer)
K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Communications\LTR-Newsletters\Panui 2.0\2017-07-LTR-Panui.pdf
Also, please do send your editors anything you’d like us to include in either the special issue for Rosie, or next months feature on Max.
Kia ora koutou
Due to the timing of Max’s funeral, Alison’s session ‘There’s a robot in the Library and other tales from THETA 2017’ will be postponed.
We’ll post details about the new timing of the session soon.