All posts by lgm20

Support required for Sharon King’s Thesis Study

Development of a New Zealand Version of the Digit Triplet Test (DTT)

Hello to everyone,

I am now in my second year of study towards my Masters of Audiology and I am enjoying it very much.

I am now ready to start the first part of my study and need your help. The purpose of this phase of the study is to determine the degree of difficulty for each spoken number that forms part of the DTT.

I need 40 participants with Normal hearing – that tends, but not always, to be anyone in the age group of 21 – 40 years. So I am asking for your help in finding people to help in this stage of my study.

Maybe it could be you or a family member or friend. I will be providing a Free Hearing Screening test as part of the testing process.

In the second part of the study, I will be needing people of any age and any hearing status so don’t worry you can participate and help out when I get to that stage of the study.

Attached is a detail explanation of what is involved in Part A of the study. It will take approx 45 mins. The testing is done in the Research Lab located in Room 801of the Rutherford Building (8th Floor).

I can be contacted on 021 159 7634 or email me at to set up an appointment.

Many thanks for your support


A Message from Janice

Thank you all. I had a wonderful farewell surrounded by friends and colleagues of many years standing. A difficult time as there is precious little to celebrate at present – but a great time for the support and concern we all have for each other and a belief in what we do to shine through.

A special thank you to those who were not working on the day but made a special effort to come and say goodbye – much appreciated.

Goodbye, thanks and best wishes to those I did not get to speak to personally – I appreciated your being there.

And to all, thank you so much for the wonderful gift and the messages on the card (which I have yet to read); my first taste of leisure/pleasure reading. I will enjoy using the camera on our imminent trip; the first of many travels we hope. It takes a panoramic photo which is new to me, so hope I can do it justice and use all the features. Isn’t it amazing what such a slimline camera can do now?

I have retired from the University of Canterbury but, as I said to my Team, there is no retirement date on my concern and interest and I am always available to listen, talk or contribute in any way that I can. A contract on consultants rates could be attractive, in between trips.

Thank you all very much.

Janice Farrelly (now to be known as Corner).

If you were not able to attend Janice’s farewell, I have linked to a copy of her speech for you to read.

Are You Interested in Library Assistant Work Available in the Macmillan Brown Library?

You may be aware that Catherine Pope will be going on parental leave from 7 April 2010 to 30 July 2010. Catherine currently works for 15 hours a week, (Monday and Tuesday 8:30am-5:00pm) in the Macmillan Brown Library.

LLT approved that this vacancy be backfilled until Catherine returns to work at their meeting on Monday 22nd March. However, due to the fact that this vacancy is for a short duration, Human Resources have advised that these hours can be offered to current Library part-time or casual staff, rather than having to advertise the position externally.

Therefore, if you are interested in picking up these hours, please can you email Jill Durney, Macmillan Brown Library Manager by 5pm on Thursday 8th April to express your interest.

