All posts by Lyndsay Ainsworth

Congratulations to Aaron on a new position

Most of you will have heard by now that we have regretfully accepted Aaron’s resignation. Though this is very sad news for us, he is leaving the University to put his many talents to good use with another team. Well done Aaron, they are very fortunate to have you.

Aaron’s official last day is while he is on annual leave in late January, so his last day here at UC will be Thursday 18 January. We will be having a farewell function for Aaron, so watch this space in the new year for more information.

Ideas to Support our Budget Challenge Target

Kia ora koutou,

I know that some people have already passed on to their managers ideas for things that we might not do, or ways we can be more efficient in a particular process. Here is a place on sharepoint where we can input and see suggested ideas and build on them as they come along. Apologies that it has taken a little longer to get this site set up for everyone to use.

Feel free to add anything you’ve thought of – this can be done anonymously if you prefer.

Below is the relevant extract from the notes of the Budget Challenge meeting on 29 November:

“What about money saving ideas from staff?
We can all suggest efficiencies and ideas, but these will need to be documented. SharePoint might be best for this as it would allow staff to see what was happening with the idea.
As well as suggestions in their own areas, staff are welcome to make constructive suggestions about processes and tasks in other areas. It is important for the Library to record and make senior management aware of ideas that result in savings. Changes must be documented, not just absorbed.  We all need to be conscious of what we are not going to do. There are moves already to collaborate with the Student Services and IT Services which could also result in savings. Again, these will need to be properly documented.”

See Counterculture post 1 December for the link to the full version of the Budget challenge meeting notes.


Notes from Library Staff forum re Budget Challenge

Kia ora koutou,

Anne’s powerpoint and the notes from the all staff meeting are now available in a K drive folder at the address below:


Remember that you have options for discussing any further questions around the current offer to staff. Your manager, TEU, HR and Anne are all available to talk to.

We will have a location to post your ideas for changes that would result in savings set up next week.

Induction Project and Makerspace Project teams

Kia ora koutou,

Just to let you know who we have on the above project teams – here are the people who’ve said they would like to take part. I could have missed someone who told me that they would like to be involved, or you might have missed the original message while Counterculture wasn’t sending updates, so please let me know asap.

Initial meeting times will be held in the next 2 weeks. At that time the teams will look at the suggested project methodology and work on terms of reference.

Induction team will include: Saharu, Dave C, Rebecca F, Swee Hoon and Margaret.

Makerspace team will include Brian Mc, Brian H, Saharu, Juliet, Nick S and Kiera,


Week of the Geek 2018

It’s been decided to go ahead with a Week of the Geek 2018. It will be the week of 12th – 16th March 2018 and we will be supported by Student Services.

We have some awesome volunteers already on the team and need a couple more folk to help out to make it really pop. If you’d love to be involved but you’re worried about workload read on.

We thought it might help to demystify “The Week”, and to offer an early break-down of the events you could volunteer for.

First: What actually is a Geek?

According to the hippest online dictionary around
Geeks are:

  1. The people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult. “The geeky kid now owns a million dollar software company”.
  2. Not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a geek is someone who is generally not athletic, and enjoys video games, comic books, being on the internet, etc…

N.B. We do not condone picking-on in any form and like to think that in the Library we don’t employ folk who pick-on anyone either, so perhaps rather think not-the-high-school-in-crowd.

The group have come up with these events for “The Week” –

  • Code Cracker – whole of week activity. A quest to find clues and crack a code – might have elements of amazing race.
  • Puppy Love – following on from last year’s very popular dog’s day out in the Library.
  • Games – again well received last year. Back by popular demand.
  • A Quiz – turn up on the day – might use kahoot.
  • A Rec Centre led exercise class. Nothing sweaty rather think relaxation or stretching.

If you think you could help with any of these activities, even just a little bit, have a chat with your manager and let Lyndsay know that you’d like to volunteer and what it is your contribution might be.

Copy Centre Move Update

Following on from the information in my earlier Counterculture post (13 November)  the Copy Centre will definitely be moving to Level 2 of the Central Library until the completion of the UCSA building. The physical move of Copy Centre services will take place on or around 6 December. Some of the IT service staff are moving out of the office this week, and the IT Help Desk staff will soon begin working their off-desk times in the LAC Workroom. The timing of this will be notified soon. Location of storage for new headsets and equipment waiting to be fixed is still to be worked on, and there will be a counter created on the south side of the office at some point in the next 3 months.

This outcome is the result of a very collaborative set of discussions, and services to students and staff will be continued satisfactorily.


Relocation of the Copy Centre

Kia ora koutou,

discussions are underway at the moment between the Copy Centre, Library and IT around the relocation of the Copy Centre from its current position in the Undercroft to a temporary (up to 2 years) location in the IT Workroom area of level 2 Central Library.

The Library would still proceed with work and business case(s) on how to continue to reconfigure Level 2 as a continuation of our staged approach to give best effect to our own services, values and operational plan objectives.

IT services would still be maintained from the Help Desk area, and work would continue into streamlining these services (both face to face and online) for best effect for students and staff.

If anyone has any comments that they would like to make regarding this proposal, please either make them here or email them to me directly.

