When you are registering a CPIT student for reciprocal borrowing, please ask them this question:
‘Have you activated your email account at Polytech?”
If the answer is no, then advise them that their polytech student email address will only work if activated. If not activated, our email notices to them will bounce.
All posts by mtb77
Filming in Central Library today
Gail has advised the following:
“John Macdonald from Communications has rung to say TV3 want to film students using computers for a story on increased computer use generally and he is sending them to us to take some shots. Just to let you know what is happening if cameramen are wandering around this afternoon in the Central Library.”
CPIT student email address
Enquiries were made today (25/7/08) from the CPIT IT department about student email addresses at Polytech.
These are the facts:
1) All currently enrolled students are given one, however, they must ask their IT to ACTIVATE it before they can use it.
2) The formula is still username@student.cpit.ac.nz i.e. their own specific username not the word.
3) Many students don’t bother to have their email address activated BUT if they wish to enrol at UC as a reciprocal student, they must provide their official student email address. This is a mandatory field in the registration programme.
Don’t let any of them persuade you that there has been a Big Change recently. Urban myth.
Helen Doidge
Student sanctions
Registry Financial Services have sent a list of students with unpaid tuition fees and instructed us to cancel their services until advised the debt is paid. I have placed this Alert block on each student record ‘Borrower unapproved. Services cancelled. Contact Financial Services at Registry.’
This means that you cannot check out or renew items for these students until we are told to reinstate services. As instructed, please send them to the Registry.
Privacy of borrower records
A fundamental Library policy is that library staff should under NO circumstances give out information on who is borrowing specific library books. This policy was ignored recently and has resulted in a complaint from an academic to Gail Pattie. The library staff member who passed on this information may have thought they were being helpful. Be aware – this is not your choice to make. Revealing such information is a serious breach of privacy.
If a borrower has an urgent need for an item out to someone else, the Library may choose to act as an intermediary with the current borrower to negotiate an early return. Take the details of the item and requestor and discuss it with your supervisor.
Horizon upgrade bug
Donna is currently looking at an upgrade bug which has caused Horizon Circulation to crash. The problem occurs when you try to check in a Lost Recall (in one example, the request no longer existed). The result is a Fatal Horizon error and you lose Circulation. Please report any further occurences of this (or other bad things) to Library IT.
Diebold upgrade complete
All Diebold services available as of 11.30 am.
Details of Diebold outage
Today 9th July from 9 am to 11 am, UCDieboldTPS will be taken offline so it can be cloned to the virtual machine CSGoldTest.
For Library services desks this means no fine or lost book payments can be made, nor checking the account balance via the Diebold GUI.
If a borrower has a blocking fine, please override the fine and CKO whilst Diebold is unavailable but advise the borrower that the fine will need to be cleared before the next CKO.
Other Diebold services will be down, including EFTPOS, cash reload stations, photocopiers that use Diebold, IT Account reactivation for those with negative balances, Web deposits – ALL OUT. The Copy Centre will charge the standard self service rate for photocopying while this is happening.
This is a repeat of last week’s posting.