All posts by mtb77

External borrower cards

For production of red topped ‘external borrower’ cards, the Card Co-ordinator advises:

“No library cards for the two weeks beginning 15 February. So, we’ll be in business again on 1 March.”

External borrower registration (excluding reciprocal borrowers) will be suspended for two weeks Monday 15th February to Friday 26th February inclusive). This will be advertised on the relevant library web pages.
Helen D.

Crown Storage

Scarely have the crates of items been shipped off to Crown storage but the requests have rolled in. Donna has been assisting Jenny Abrahamson, Fiona Horne, Romy Forrer and Tim O’Sullivan to make requests on the Crown database and process both outgoing and incoming items. These 4 will be responsible for managing requests from and returns to Crown.

For all staff processing CKI at any branch, please be alert for items identified as belonging to Storage D. When you check in a Storage D item, there will be a CKI note on those items which reads ‘Return to Central for delivery to Crown Offsite Storage.’
Branch staff: leave the item ‘in transit’ to Storage and put in a hamper to Central Library.
Central staff: leave the item ‘in transit’ to Storage and put on the CKI shelf labelled ‘Storage D, Crown returns. Please leave on shelf to be processed.’
Workflows and processes are still being worked out and you will be advised via Counterculture.

Requests for Engineering standards

Engineering standards have been moved to the Law Basement for temporary storage during the renovations. They have a 3H loan itype, so the actual item cannot be requested or retrieved.

Dawn has advised that borrowers be asked to use web access. Each record contains the note ‘The electronic version of this standard may be found at the Standards NZ website’. The physical item will not be available over Summer.


Differing due dates

A number of alert staff have noticed that openshelf items issued to the same borrower can have different due dates. This is normal at this time of year and will continue to happen over Summer.

The reason is that in Summer the branch opening hours are out of sync e.g. Central remains open 7 days a week, Education is open for 5 days a week. Horizon disregards days that a location is closed when calculating due dates, so an Education book will issue for a longer period than a Central book.

However, if anyone has concerns about the accuracy of the Horizon Calendar setup for any location, please don’t hesitate to ask for it to be checked.


No Technicians in Loft

Message from Averil Duncan, Workroom Administrator:

Just a reminder that the ICT workroom assistants have finished working for ICT for this year.
The Loft office will be open during the normal working day, Monday to Friday, although there may be periods of time when the Loft office might be closed but there will be posters informing students where to go for assistance.


Library services & opening hours for Labour Day

Library opening hours:
Central: 8 am – 10 pm
Education: 8 am to 9 pm
Engineering: 8 am to 9 pm
Law: 8 am to 9 pm
Macmillan Brown: 8.30 am to 5 pm
Physical Sciences: 8 am to 9 pm

Associated Services:
Asklive: from Central Library 10 am to 5pm, 6 to 8 pm
Loft Workroom Assistance: 1-4pm
Library IT: Shane 10 am to 1 pm in Library IT Workroom
ICTS: On call, contact Extended Hours Supervisor first.
Extended Hours Supervisor: Fiona Horne 8 1m to 4.30 pm; Fiona Tyson 6 to 10 pm. Call x6198. For any emergency staffing replacement call Fiona Horne on 6198.

Not available: CL Help Desk; ICT Service Desk at CL, Special Collections Reading Room, Copy Centre, Interloans service; thesis collections; warehouse collections; hamper delivery (including IBDS items).

ELC students – end date on their cards

Message from Stephanie Box at the English Language Centre:
“I understand from the Card Co-ordinator that the Canterbury cards for ELC students are given an end date of the nearest semester based on the UC system, ie either February or July, but the records that the cards are attached to provide the ACTUAL end date that they have paid until. This is very confusing to both students and library staff but it appears that is how the card system operates. Have asked the question quite a few times about this but appears we are “different”.”

From the Library’s point of view this means that the expiry date displayed in Horizon is accurate. If an ‘expired’ ELC presents a forward dated card and wishes to borrow, please refer them to the English Language Centre for re-enrolment, but do not CKO anything.


Payment Plus fatal error management

A few staff have now experienced the ‘fatal error’ problem interrupting a Payment Plus transaction and causing uncertainty as to whether the payment has actually gone through. The underlying cause is network speed, so ICTS are tasked with fixing the problem.

In the meantime, Library IT, Copy Centre and Lending have collaborated on a strategy to manage the effects and resolve the problems caused by the interruption to the transaction. For full details, read this Wiki page under the heading CSGold causes a Fatal Error Problem

Note that you will no longer see the underlying error message, so there is no need to print screens or send emails to Library IT – this is all done AUTOMATICALLY. Lending Team will take responsibility for resolving fine payment problems as soon as possible.

Remember the 2 minute rule – you MUST wait 2 minutes between each Payment Plus payment on the same account.