There has been some discussion about the amount of time items from the open shelves are kept on our Hold shelves before the hold status expires.
Currently open shelf items are held for 6 full days beyond the date that the item achieved the status ‘Item held’ i.e. up to 7 full days. The expiry kicks in at 5 minutes past midnight of the date given, so the item is actually only available until closing of the day before the ‘expiry date’ shown on Horizon.
Things to consider:
• Items on hold are not available to other borrowers during this period
• Notification has increased – more emails, texts, My Account
• Borrowers do not always cancel their hold (online or in person) when they don’t require the item anymore.
• IBDS has hugely increased the number of items able to be requested and put on hold – strain on Hold shelf capacity
• IBDS transit requests may spend a couple of days reaching the chosen pick up library which increases the time the item is unavailable to other borrowers.
• Expired items cleared from the Hold shelf without a following request are reshelved. IBDS makes it very easy for the same person to re-request the item and have it collected again and put back, adding to the IBDS workload.
Stats provided by Philip:
From 2000 to 2005, up to 28% of holds were not being picked up from all hold shelves throughout the library.
In 2006, the number of notices to users was increased (up 63% on 2005) – holds not picked up dropped to 26%; to 24% in 2007 and to 18% in 2008. This was the year that e-text notification was introduced, plus the additional customised emails throughout the day. To date in 2009, only 16% of total holds placed are not being picked up.
It has always been intended that IBDS was not a quick service, and to avoid any problems or delays with hold shelves, users have the option of getting the items themselves.
Should the Hold shelf period be increased, reduced or stay the same?
If changed, what would be a reasonable number of days to allow notification and time to collect the item before the item moves to the next requestor, or is reshelved?
Please share your thoughts as a Comment.