On the advice of Library IT (because of network disturbances), Lending have not run the normal daily Notices programme this morning. This means that no emails have been sent to advise our borrowers of items on Hold, recalls, fines etc.
Please remind borrowers that all of this information is still readily available to them online 24/7 through accessing ‘My Account’ or at their nearest helpful Library public service desk.
All posts by mtb77
New sort feature for IBDS pull list
Library IT have added a new sorting feature to the Horizon Request Pull list used for IBDS collections.
Go into ‘Display’ and choose ‘Request date’, then use this to sort your list by when the items were requested. This parameter will not appear by default, as you may only want to use it once a week to identify any requests accidentally languishing on the Pull List for more than a couple of days.
Proxy borrowers and requests
If a Proxy borrower wishes to place a request on behalf of their Authorizing borrower, this can be done WITHOUT sharing the Authorizing Borrower’s Username and Password as this is a breech of IT policies and opens access to My Pay etc.
The Proxy borrower needs to know only the Authorizing Borrower’s own barcode and their Horizon PIN. Since most borrowers these days do not know or need their Horizon PIN, the easiest thing to do is use the Horizon ‘Reset PIN’ programme (from Circulation) to reset the Authorizing Borrower’s PIN to be the same as their barcode.
This does not affect the Authorizing Borrower’s ability to use their Username and Password combination for their own requests, so there is no need for their permission to reset the Horizon PIN. The Proxy Agreement covers sharing of the Authorizing Borrower’s record and the requested items are held in the Authorizing Borrower’s name.
Failure of etext notification since 9 July
Library IT advise that due to an undetected failure of the programme, no e-text notification has been sent since 9th July (just over 2 weeks). Normal email notification continued during this time and My Account was accessible as usual, so there were still plenty of ways borrowers could be aware of overdues.
The problem has now been rectified.
Usernames and Passwords
ICT Service Desk at the Central Library is the place to send anyone who has either forgotten their password, or want to know if they even have one.
While the Library pays for electronic resources, we do not control the access. Don’t make any assumptions about whether the person should or shouldn’t have IT access (usercode and password) – there are a surprising number of variations and exceptions. Assumptions cause confusion.
Send them in person to the experts – ICT Service Desk.
Theft of wallet
A bunch of ID cards were found on Level 6 of Central Library this morning and handed in. When the owner was contacted, he only then realised his wallet had been stolen from his bag whilst he was on Level 5.
Security have been informed of the theft, but please be on the alert for any similar reports. If there is evidence of systematic theft, then we will put up warning posters. Please let me know of any further incidences.
Lost Property at Central Library
Any personal books returned at the Library are deemed to be Lost Property and should be placed in our Lost Propery box to sent to Security if not claimed by the end of the day.
If you are able to identify the owner (name in book, returned in stack of things all checked out to the same person etc), feel free to add an Alert to their record to say the books have been put in Lost Property, or if time allows, send an email.
Troublesome Books tray is for UC library items with a problem attached. Please don’t clog it up with Lost Property.
Books belonging to other libraries should go in the Interloans tray.
No Library External Borrower cards 8-14 July
The Card Co-ordinator advises: Due to second Semester enrolments, no Library External Borrower cards or proxy cards can be produced at the Card Coordinator’s Office between Wednesday 8th July and Tuesday 14th July (inclusive).
Central Library will suspend external borrower registrations for this week. Reciprocal borrowing registrations will continue as normal.
Expired ELC records and new cards
English Language Centre have confirmed today that there is a ‘disconnect’ between their student database (EARS) and the Card Maintenance system. Essentially, an ELC student is able to have a new card printed before they have actually enrolled.
The Message: Believe what HORIZON is telling you. If the ELC student has an expired record on Horizon – this is correct. They may also have a brand new card with an end date 02/2010 but only believe this if it matches Horizon. ELC have requested that ICTS fix this.
English Language Centre are very happy to talk to these students about how to enrol. Please just send them over there.
Diebold web interface playing up
The CS Gold web interface that is used by the lending desk in all libraries for payment of fines is not working. It brings up the record but does not show the balance. Then when you try again it comes up with a runtime error message 40020.
Maryilyn has reported this fault to ICTService Desk. She says that students are still able to load money onto their cards.