If you like keeping up with developments in Library Management Systems or (a new term) Library Services Platforms this is the latest from Marshall Breeding . Readable but a bit wordy.
Peter K
If you like keeping up with developments in Library Management Systems or (a new term) Library Services Platforms this is the latest from Marshall Breeding . Readable but a bit wordy.
Peter K
This may affect students taking advantage of our earlier opening hours this Saturday – but outages are expected to be brief.
ITS report:
On Saturday 26th May between 8am and 9am the wireless network will be software upgraded. There will be intermittent loss of wireless connectivity during this period for durations of up to 10 minutes while this process takes place.
If your Horizon session freezes in Windows 10, try minimizing it then restoring the window. It is likely that the Minimize icon of the Horizon window will be the only part that will respond.
This apparently is a known bug that first arose for some libraries as early as Windows 8 (which we haven’t used). I’ll get more information from SirsiDynix.
Peter K
Over the next two days (Monday and Tuesday) we are making changes to the Archives Management system – Minisis.
Sometimes that will mean we will have to stop Kā Kohika. This shouldn’t be often and shouldn’t be for long .
Thanks – Peter K
Hi Everyone
Many of you know that the current version of Horizon has a circulation bug – we have updated the version on EPS and Central front desks, and on the two Central machines near the Sort Assist.
ITS have now released a packaged version of the update and if you use Horizon, I’d be grateful if you could install this on your own PC. The installation takes less than 10 minutes – Horizon needs to be closed first. Go into ‘Software Center’ and find the installation for Horizon
Thanks, Peter
For those of you working on Saturday morning:
ITS are doing an ’emergency’ upgrade of the storage system which will affect lots of systems including the Wiki. They hope that there will be no noticeable disruption, but if you find you can’t get into Camelot, this will be the likely reason.
If this happens, I can only recommend trying a little later in the day.
From Marshall Breeding:
Results from this year’s International Library Automation Perceptions Survey:
Elsevier have confirmed they have a problem and are working on it. A snippet of their reply to me:
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused the workflow of your end users. We have received multiple reports from different customers for the same concern. Upon checking further, this looks to be a bug from our end. Our developers are currently working on a fix to have this resolved.
At the moment the ‘Search for full text’ button in Scopus is not linking. I have reported this to Elsevier although I don’t know whether the problem lies with them or Proquest – however, other linking is still working so I suspect it is a Scopus problem.
Peter K
Friday morning – seems OK now.
At the moment there are problems logging into Standards NZ. They are aware of the problem:
“01/03/2018 We are experiencing some issues with the automatic login for the Online Library. We are working to fix these and apologise for any inconvenience. You can email us at onlinelibrary@standards.govt.nz”
We’ll keep an eye on it and follow up with them if not fixed tomorrow.
Peter K