All posts by plk13

EndNote 20 released

and is available in the Software Center as ‘Clarivate Analytics EndNote 20’

It is also available for student download and I’ll update the EndNote guide later today.

EndNote X9.3 changed the underlying file formats – opening an older library with X9.3 or 20 will create a new, ‘converted’ library e.g. ‘My EndNote Library-Converted’.

If you use online sync, the name change will make it look as if you are synchronizing a new library.  To avoid problems either move the old library, then rename the converted library to the older name; or force sync to run immediately after conversion – it will merge the two libraries (the online library and the new ‘converted’ library) which should be fine because they should have the same content

Online Sync will also work with both versions of the library so if somebody has a post X9.3 version on one machine, and a pre X9.3 version on another, they can use Online Sync to keep the libraries the same.

Email spam control changing today

Outlook has a junk mail folder. From this afternoon, this will be activated and at some stage Precisemail will go. The ITS message follows:

On November 20th at 2pm the junk settings in Microsoft Outlook will be enabled for all users.  Users will be able to classify messages as junk and block/white list addresses.  Users will also be able to adjust the level of automatic junk email protection they require.  The junk email settings can be accessed by right clicking on a specific mail message or clicking on the junk link in the home tab of Outlook.

Messages may be automatically moved to the junk folder.  This can be accessed in the folder list on the left hand side of the Outlook client.  We would recommend you add this folder to the outlook favourites (right click on the junk email folder and select show in favourites.

The setting is updated via group policy, Outlook will need to be restarted after 2pm for this to take effect.

Important – Log off but don’t shut down before the long weekend

So before you go home, log off, but don’t shutdown. If you have staff who are away, it would be a kindness to turn their PCs on before leaving.

What is happening?

Most of us (exceptions are those who have received new PCs recently) are running an old version of Windows which is no longer supported. Over Thursday night, our machines will be upgraded to a newer version. This is a bigger upgrade than the normal security patches, hence the desirability of getting it done overnight.

Workroom and student PCs are OK – they’ve been upgraded already.

DayEnd – don’t run. Beth will run on Saturday morning.

Thanks, Peter

EndNote Update

EndNote X9.33 (the latest upgrade) is available now as an optional upgrade in the ‘Software Center’. Student workroom machines will be upgraded after the end of Semester 2.

X9.33 changes the format of your library. It will create a converted copy (annoyingly called, for example, “My EndNote Library-Converted.enl”) while leaving the original library in place. The converted library is not backwards compatible, even to X9.1. If you work with the libraries of other staff and students, you might not want to install this version yet.

On the other hand, anybody who has upgraded their personal computer to X9.33 will not be able to use their library on a UC machine, until that too has been upgraded.

Online sync can be used to maintain the same library on both X9.33 and older versions.

Thursday – brief interruptions to Outlook

In order to fix a problem with the way in which Skype for Business works with Outlook, ITS will need to restart all exchange servers tomorrow – Thursday 30th July.

Hopefully most of us will not notice anything but you may find for a short period between 9:15 and 10:00 that outlook is not responsive (e.g. for looking up contacts; sent email sitting in the outbox, etc. ) As soon as the server restarts all this should come right.

If you are connecting via a Web Browser to any mailbox, then you will probably be prompted to login again.

Outlook via the web changing on Friday

ITS are making substantial changes to the way our email works – this is part of the slow drift to Office 365.

A change next Friday, 10th July, will mean that if you use Outlook via a web client, you will see a new login screen that will look like this:

Your outlook client on your work PC won’t look any different – this just affects web access. There are some additional security settings being applied, but it is unlikely these will affect us. However, if you do have problems with Outlook via the Web after Friday, have a chat to us in eServices – we can provide a bit more information.

Peter K