Please please please when you are on desk make sure you check returned itesm in. Too often I have to go chase up 2hr loans that have been returned but are still issued to the borrower. As I don’t discover this until the next day the borrower ends up with a an overdue email generated overnight.
All posts by Puck
Do not CKI interloans after hours
I have just had a reminder form Interloans- if a student comes to the desk after hours with an interloan wanting it renewed they will have to accept this cannot be done until the next day when we can contact interlaons at Central. Do NOT CKI it in to avoid fines as this creates a lot of confusion and work for the interloans team.
Is there anybody out there?
I am just curious if many staff in MB actually check this blog? (aside from Jeff and myself). So I am posting this as a pop quiz! MBers please add a comment if you see this so Jeff and I know we are not alone!
DVD’s and Videos – new location
I have moved around the vidoes and DVD’s in the Aotearoa room. I have moved the videos down as they do not need much room to grow. I have moved the DVD’s to the first bay where the videos use to start- hopefully this makes them more visable and gets them up off the lower shelves, and gives the collection room for growth. I have also slightly juggled the CD-ROMs and the the CD’s to also get the latest CD’s off the floor which was hopeless for browsing!
DVDs now tattle-taped
It has come to my attention that the new DVD’s that are arriving over are tattletaped. The tape is actually on the DVD so you will need to desensitise them (this can be done through the case). So if you hear the bells going off this may be why!!
For secuirty reasons I think we need to continue to sotre DVD’s out of their containers as it is not hard to remove this tape.