All posts by rnf19

LEARN links to be updated Sunday 26th June

Kia ora koutou

FTL will be updating the ezproxied url resources and course material article urls on LEARN to Open Athens format on Sunday 26th June.
They’re doing this based on a spreadsheet generated earlier in June – there will some resources that have been added since that were missed.  We’ll search for those and convert them next week.

Links have been updated via our link maker in bulk – they have not been individually tested due to the shear volume of them so some may well not work 100% in their new format.   We have identified patterns and fixed as many as we could.
It’s fair to say a lot of them didn’t work previously either so failure is not necessarily due to conversion to Open Athens.

If you do spot any from Monday on that are not working please let us know and we will investigate and suggest a fix.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Interloans account issue

Kia ora koutou

There seems to be an issue with Interloans account sign in – users are getting the following error – with either sign in option.

Oops. Something went wrong.

You are not authorized to view this content.

We will report to OCLC and ask them to fix.
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Update on the Interloans/OCLC account situation

Kia ora koutou

RE my post about OCLC/Interloans accounts on Monday:
OCLC have de-duped 5974 interloan user accounts overnight.  Now users should get their original account whether they sign in via OpenAthens (top button) or ADFS (bottom button).
However, we discovered this morning that any requests people made via the OpenAthens sign-in (most requests placed after 26th May) were not showing in their ILL account requests list.

We’ve requested OCLC fix up the request data but it may take a while to resolve as has to go to a different team at OCLC tech support than the ones that set up OpenAthens for us.  The Interloans team have been able to re-link active requests to users again, but we are unable to re-link requests that are closed (have been supplied already or cancelled/refused) so historical requests won’t be showing for patrons until OCLC do their fix.  If anyone wants their missing request history data Interloans staff can look it up in OCLC admin.
We think that document delivery emails sent by the system (with links to retrieve article pdfs etc.) did get to the affected users but are not 100% sure they all did so if you get any queries about missing article/chapter requests let us (or Interloans) know and we will investigate.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf or Library Systems)

Ebook Central Access working now – users may need to clear browser cache

Kia ora koutou

Ebook central access looks to have been restored 🙂

ProQuest did recommend clearing browser cache or using Incognito/Private browse windows if users are still getting the IP restriction error message.  I have tested some textbook links and are now getting through.

Since the switch has now been made to OpenAthens for ProQuest central we may get some users querying why their previous bookshelf content is no longer showing (see Leah’s post earlier in May).  If they didn’t export their bookshelf content ProQuest can try and merge accounts but it is a very manual process and will require us trying to work out their previous account ID.  You can refer queries about this to

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Ebookcentral access

Kia ora koutou

It looks like our EBSCO OpenAthens implementation team have switched over Ebook Central access from ezproxy to OpenAthens over night (without telling us) but they did not fully complete the set up so users were getting a Forbidden access error message this morning.  I have now done the OpenAthens side of the set up but we are still seeing errors – this time about IP addresses.  Unfortunately we haven’t been able to fix this on our end so are waiting on ProQuest technical support to respond to a high priority support case I just logged.  We will keep you updated with progress.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)


Adobe Acrobat Pro licence notification/message

Kia ora koutou

If you have Acrobat Pro (these days just called Acrobat DC) on your computer (via the old-style device licence only, if you have Acrobat via Adobe Creative Cloud you won’t need to worry) you may see a pop up notification about needing to change to a different type of licence.
Digital Services software management staff have pushed these notifications out to computers with a device licence for Acrobat pro.  The licence needs to be changed to a user licence tied to your login/AdobeID instead.

Alas the message flashes up quickly and then disappears – if you see it, you basically need to log an assyst request  – mark it “attention software management”, state your asset number (aka computer number on QR code sticker on your computer) and request to be changed to a user licence for Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

New Interloans sign in creating duplicate/new accounts

Kia ora koutou

Unfortunately we have had a few reports that users signing in to their interloans account with the new OpenAthens method are not seeing their account history.  They are getting brand new accounts created instead of being taken through to their existing account.

We have reported this to OCLC and hope they will be able to get the accounts merged or cleaned up soon.  In the meantime – if affected users log out of the new account and then close browser and try to sign in again – if they select the second button on the choose sign in page they will be signed in to their existing account with history (e.g. loans, request history).  They an still place requests etc. using the old sign in method.   If they don’t see the choose sign in page they may need to clear cache , use a different browser or incognito/inprivate window.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Interloans/OCLC login intermediary page

Kia ora koutou

As part of switching our OCLC (includes Worldshare products used by library staff and Tipasa, patron portal/interloans account) over to OpenAthens sign in, as of today users trying to log in to OCLC will see a “select a service to sign into” screen with 2 button options.

The top button is the OpenAthens sign in and the bottom is the old ADFS one.  We’d like to know if people have problems with the top button method.  Please refer the details on to Library Systems if you get anyone via AskLIVE etc.
The second button should work for them if they need to check their account or place any interloan requests urgently while we try and sort out the OpenAthens connection sorted for their account.

The ‘select a service’ screen will only be in place for a week or so until we’re satisfied the OpenAthens sign in is working for most users.

Ngā mihi.

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)



FacultySelect link update/change

Kia ora koutou

The links we have to Faculty Select – on contain login information.  The password we had set when we first got FacultySelect expired in April and has now been reset and links in this subject guide updated accordingly.  If you have the link bookmarked please update your bookmarks.  Also if you know of academics who may have bookmarked the link please let them know  (maybe leave out the bit about the link containing password info ;)).

I’m working on trying to get Faculty Select set up for OpenAthens like our other EBSCO products are so we don’t have to maintain the password and keep updating the links (or have sign in info visible on a public page).  Alas it has proven to be beyond my skills but hopefully EBSCO tech support will be able to do it for us.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)