There was an issue with the interloans software affecting ZPortal but his appears to have been resolved.
All posts by rrs43
Proquest database issues
There seems to be a problem with accessing Proquest databases currently. Will email Deirdre. Unlikely to be sorted out until Monday when Deidre is in.
Expired Interloan Holds on Hold Shelf
Just a reminder not to remove expired interloan holds from the hold shelf until we contact the relevant library. Thanks
PS Just a reminder that Interloan holds at Central are to go in the cupboard behind the Lending desk, rather than in the self checkout area as Interloans are not RFID’d. So all Interloans need to be checked out using Horizon.
Some of the links are not working on the UC Home Page, such as Department and Colleges, ICTS page. ICTS are aware of this.
Library Positions/Titles at Trinity College Library, Dublin
Had to look at Trinity College Library, Dublin for a contact phone number. If they thought that UC Library had too many tiers of staff check this out –
They also seem to have staff shortages at the moment:
Inter-Library Loans
NOTE: Unfortunately, due to staff shortages the Library is unable to offer its usual services at the moment.
Opening Hours on Library Website
The opening hours for each library are listed incorrectly on our website. Each library is listed as opening/closing an hour earlier than usual……which may have something to do with Daylight Savings (although this is not for another couple of weeks)?? I have emailed Library IT and so hopefully the problem will be fixed on Monday morning.
Angela Berry.