Kia ora koutou,
In order to support the Library in raising it’s profile and promoting collections, services and staff, we have the Library Marketing Team. The group has recently undergone a bit of a change to be able to have clearly defined roles and responsibilities that help to create a more seamless whole. If you ever wanted to know the different areas we cover, these are below.
We are also seeking an EOI for the two remaining unfulfilled roles. If you think either of these sound like you and are interested in working with a great bunch of people and developing a wider understanding of the Library’s platforms and engagement spaces and have spoken to your Manager, contact Rā.
Social Media
Facebook/Twitter Lead (Fiona Tyson) – This person will require administrative and content development skills for these two platforms. They will make sure that the content on these platforms is relevant to that platform’s target audience. There are people already responsible for the stats collection of these platforms, however this person will be responsible for communicating these stats to the wider group and Library on a monthly basis.
Instagram/Insider’s Guide Lead (Juliet Lackersteen) – This person will require administrative and content development skills for these two platforms. This person will record the stats for these platforms and presenting back to the Marketing group on a monthly basis. They will co-ordinate scheduling the Insider’s Guide posts and obtaining content from the wider library teams. They will oversee the library Instagram page and create content for this, as well as monitor content from any other contributors to this platform. They are responsible for growing our presence on this new library platfrom.
Web Presence
Web Lead (Romy Forrer)– Requires web developer skills. Updates the Library News, Library hours (across web and Facebook page). Monitors and updates the ‘stay connected’ page. Looks after the meta data associated with Library Marketing. Liaises with the Digital Material Lead to cross promote where needed.
Marketing Collateral
Print/Physical Material Lead (Zina Swanson) – Requires graphic design skills. Creates and liaises with UCDesign on all collateral required for events and promotions in the Library. Creates posters, postcards, brochures, banners. Liaises with the Digital Material Lead to tie content together and ensure seamless design across the libraries.
Digital Material Lead (Unfilled as of yet) – Requires graphic design skills. Looks after and creates all digital material, specifically content for UC-wide and Library LCD screens. Liaisies with the Print Material Lead and Web Lead to produce a consistent message and content across the libraries.
Video Production
Video Production Lead (Trial role, unfilled as of yet) – This person would require video production knowledge or be confident in this space and liaising with the AV team within the Library. This role would look at co-ordinating and updating the Library’s video links as well as creating video content for our social media and digital platforms.
Strategic Management
Strategic Lead – (Rā Steer) Oversight and management of the Marketing Team, responsible for co-ordinating or being involved in Library events including but not limited to Orientation, Week of the Geek, Graduation, Exam Relief, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and APA Week. Budget responsibilities.