All posts by rrs43

UC Library Marketing Portfolio

It is with great pleasure that I announce (for those who might not know already) that Zina Swanson will be taking over the Marketing portfolio while I am away on leave.

Zina brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and creativity to this role and her passion for design and art is incredible. She will be working additional hours to be able to fulfil this role, which includes looking after the Library’s Marketing team and our Library Social media platforms.

If you have any questions or need any help with Marketing please email the Marketing team here –

cen FB

Changes to Level 4 Central Library

Kia ora koutou,

As you will no doubt notice, there have been a few changes to level 4. Other than the collection moves, this floor has now been made a ‘Group Study Zone’ in preparation for the Education Library Relocation.

This floor will change back to a ‘Silent Zone’ on the following dates during the Exam period –

  • 5th June – 24th June
  • 23rd Oct – 16th Nov

For more information check the Education Relocation LibGuide.

LRNR5645_LIBR_Silent_Zone_A3_WEB LRNR5643_LIBR_Group_Zone_A3_WEB

Rā Steer – On behalf of the Communications Group

LIANZA 2017 – Submit an Abstract

Kia ora koutou,

A reminder for those that have always wanted to present at LIANZA that abstract submissions are open from now until 10th March. The theme this year is quite broad – “Amuri toi i a ako whakaaro: Open 2017”.

“Open” is a broad theme and encompasses open access and open source platforms, open hearts and minds, openness to new ideas and innovation, and the fact that libraries proudly remain open for business.

This year’s LIANZA Conference is being held in Christchurch at the Addington Raceway.  For more information about submitting your abstract see additional details here –



The Party’s not over…well ok it is, but just for now

Kia ora koutou,

thanks to everyone who came and lent a hand for the Silent Disco as well as jumping on the dance floor. This was a culmination of a lot of effort from a bunch of different people, from those that thought about the idea – through to Zina co-ordinating it.

It was a great collaborative effort with UCSA providing the headsets/disco kit and RDU’s breakfast host James, playing some funky tunes to keep everyone boogying throughout the afternoon.

If you did manage to grab any photos of the event can you please save them here K:\LIBR-Library\Operations\Photos\Silent Disco 2017. Overall we ended up with a hundred and twenty people participating (not including staff members). Ka rawe, great job everyone!

Can you dig it 🙂


Ngā Awa e Rua Workshop

Kia ora e te whānau,

This afternoon there is the first of two workshops this week on Ngā Awa e Rua.

These sessions are designed to let staff know what has been updated, where to from here and how this ties in with the Library Operational Plan. The agenda for these are as per below.

  • Karakia
  • Whakawhanaugatanga
  • Powerpoint Presentation
    • Anne – Introduction
    • Nekerangi – Braided rivers and NAER summary
  • BREAK (cup of tea)
  • Workshop Activity
    • Break up into small groups
    • Staff will use printed copies of NAER to develop individual operational commitments
    • Summary and next steps
    • Karakia

The draft version is on sharepoint and any feedback before or after the session would be appreciated.

Mā te wā.


Christmas Cookies!!

xmas-buckets-2016Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete ki a koutou!

At EDU Library we had Kitty come in from Cookie Time to share the Christmas magic that is mini cookies! She’ll be back on the 15th Dec to drop off any orders, which I’ll need to send to her by next week, so if you would like to get any of the below, let me know.

  • Salted Caramel
  • White Chocolate and Cranberry
  • Chocolate Chip (plus Gluten Free Choc Chip)
  • Apricot Chocolate Chip

They are $16.00 a bucket (600g).  She’s delivering them to EDU and will have eftpos on the day (or if you send me any money, I’ll get them to you) – I’ll also find out what time she’s coming in. Or feel free to book someone to come over to Central. The sellers are students doing some work in the lead up to Xmas.


Library Marketing Group Feedback 2016

Kia ora koutou,

as the year draws to an end the Library Marketing group would love to hear your feedback for 2016 and any ideas/suggestions for 2017.  What did you like? What would you like to see? What wasn’t so hot?

To give you an idea of work that the team has done throughout the year –

  • Prompted training sessions (including library 101, research workshops, Adobe Connect Workshops)
  • Increased engagement (Fines Amnesty, UC Social Media mtgs, te wiki o te reo, UC Puna Logo created)
  • Celebrated key events (Graduation, Open Day, Orientation)
  • Exam Support Programme (stress relief promotion,Free coffee/tea)
  • Increased Visibility (Contribution to Insider’s Guide blogs highlighting each library/collection resulted in 3,612 interactions/viewings, working more with the UC Comms team)
  • All Social Media content (including doubling our Facebook followers from the previous years incline)
  • Organised all Library branding collateral (Lib Guides, Postcards, Hours changes, Posters etc).

As well as on going projects and more, including:

  • Reviewing all LCD slides
  • Re-organised Marketing K-Drive
  • Promoting Info lit
  • Creating new Subject Librarian Slides

Please email either or by Monday 5th Dec.

Your library Marketing team for the year was – Beth Mannix,  Rebecca Taekema, Caroline Anderson, Romy Forrer, Bronwyn Collins, Fiona Tyson, Nick Scullin, Zina Swanson, Te Paea Paringatai. Special thanks to Jenny Owens for her contribution to the team and Rosamund Feeney who oversaw Facebook (and the many others who regularly contribute to our social media presence).Print

Central Library, various photos for updating website. Verbal permission sought from students featured prominently.