All posts by sbu84

O-Day / O-Week: Get Involved!

Kia Ora,

Thank you to those who have already put their hands up to help out but there is still plenty of room for more helpers!

O week, which will probably end up more like an O-Fortnight, is the library’s first chance each year to put on a welcoming face. It lets our students get to know us as recognisable individuals rather than as an institution. It could make a personal connection that makes it comfortable to be in here and easier to ask us for help.

Here’s what is on the cards so far:

  • Guess the jellybean jars in all 3 libraries (plus the stall) – winner will get enough sugar to last them through the first assignment…
  • Coloured pathways to help with queues and to help students navigate the enrolment processes that take place in PJH.
  • More sugar to soothe frayed nerves while waiting in those queues.
  • A relaxation lounge – with tea, coffee, water, juice and hot water set up to give a space to step out of the hurly-burly.
  • Puna passport introducing the three libraries to students – this may be reworked a little
  • UV markers to help students ID their laptops etc for the year ahead to guard against theft. (O Day Stall).
  • O Day stall – 17 February most of the day
  • Floating meet-and-greet station in the foyer. Something Sara and I tried for the UX course back in October which seemed to have potential. We will be the first people students see when they come in; the first welcome they get. That will make library staff the first people to be seen and identified – the first to make a connection, the first to help, direct and assist. For 99% of students, it will be a simple greeting or even just a smile. For those that look a bit overawed or uncertain, it could be a bit of a lifeline.

If there is an activity that you’d like to get involved with, let me know of put a comment on the Teams channel into the chat.

Right now, there is a word document in the Files area of the channel with a table for you to slot yourselves into for the O-Day stall (17 Feb) and our floating welcome desk in the foyer (13 to 25 Feb). No special skills are necessary! You don’t need to be a massive extrovert – just be able to smile, believe in what you do for a living and be ready to talk about it to total strangers!

Ka Kite, Simon

AED / Defibrillator – Finally Installed

Kia Ora –

The AED Sara purchased late last year has finally been mounted in its cabinet (BEIMs be praised!).

It is mounted on Level 2, on the right-hand pillar as you approach the Te Pātaka desk, facing the entrance. This seemed the most obvious, visible, available position.

The cabinet is alarmed, and this will sound if someone opens the cabinet door. Should we wish to open the door for some reason without putting it into screeching error mode, then I have a [tiny] key in my top desk drawer that does this. I will move it to the keypress in our workroom as soon as I can find a key tag I can use and label.

Ngā Mihi, Simon.

Inside-Out: the future?

Kia Ora Koutou,

As we get into 2023, the Managers’ Team is considering whether the “Inside-Out” feature that we take it in turns to write on Counterculture is something we should be continue.

We sometimes get feedback directly but not much in the way of commentary at all, so we are wondering if this is something the wider team still thinks is useful or valuable.

There is no point us doing things that don’t hit the mark, so we are asking you: is this a feature you’d like to keep seeing in 2023?

CC does not appear to have a polling function in it, so please post comments to this post to let us know! I will also post this in the All-Library Teams-team as another avenue for feedback too.

Nga Mihi, Simon.

Orientation 2023

It’s a fact – we cannot get away from it – Orientation is coming.

We need to get ready. Last year I put out a call for volunteers to help during this period. There were some takers (thanks!) but there is room for more! It would be great to get a cross-section from our teams to help so we can promote and showcase all that we have to offer. All library staff are welcome to take part!

I’ve created a channel for the duration in the Library All-Staff Team and (attempted) to set up a whiteboard in there.  Please go ahead and start putting in ideas onto the board.  Did you miss the invite last year but want to get involved. Just reply into this channel.

The group will take a low-meeting-high-ideas / participation approach … sadly we will need at least one meeting to kick off …

Let’s welcome our community back for the New Year in as fun way as possible so we can build a positive relationship with those arriving on campus for the first time.

Happy to chat / discuss this more if interested.

Ngā Mihi, Simon

Fumigation of Libraries – Dec 23

Kia Ora Koutou,

On Friday 23 December, the UC logistics team will be carrying out fumigation of the libraries – an annual event that usually happens this time of year.

During this time, no staff can be on site due to the chemicals used.

Please open any drawers that have any papers / collections in so they can be covered by the fog as we close up for the year on Thursday 22 December.

However, please turn over any mugs / cups you are leaving here over the break, so no residue can settle inside.

Paul from UC Logistics has been discussing with Fiona at MB their specific requirements.

Hopefully, everyone on the 23rd should be enjoying the start of their holiday break! But, just in case you felt you needed to shoot back in to collect something on that day – or to finish that one pesky piece of work – please don’t.

Ngā Mihi, Simon.

ELS Team Picnic – 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm. today

Kia Ora – the ELS team will be indulging in a bit of seasonal cheer at lunchtime today and we’ll be out of the building on a picnic (well, OK, we will be inside the building now as it is horrible outside). Our desk will be staffed by one of our casual team (thanks Kim!).

In not wholly unrelated news, pretty much every team from Te Pātaka (L3) will also be out from midday for their Christmas functions for the whole afternoon.

ELS will be back on deck at 2:00 p.m.

Ngā Mihi, Simon

Orientation 2023 Team

Kia Ora Koutou – I am looking for volunteers to help me organize our activities for Orientation in 2023.

I am wanting the group to take a low-meeting high ideas / participation approach to this activity. I would love to shoe-horn in as much fun as we can to welcome our community back for the New Year and try to build a positive relationship with those arriving on campus for the first time.

It would be great to get a real cross-section from the teams across our libraries to help so we can promote and showcase all that we have to offer. For now, please just reply into the thread on the All Staff > General team if you are keen to be involved.

Ngā Mihi, Simon

Draft Service Standards – Please give us your feedback.

Kia Ora Koutou – you may be aware that over the last little while, Sara Roberts has been leading a piece of work with Library managers around formulating some service standards. We now are at the point where we need / want your feedback and input.
Please see the draft document in the Files Section of the newly created Service Standards channel – part of the Library All Staff Team.
We have put together a small cross-library group to take in the feedback and give final shape to the draft. The group is as follows:
  • Beth Mannix
  • Brian McElwaine
  • Caroline Anderson
  • Swee Hoon Goh
  • Dale and Jenny will provide us with a LAC lens
  • I will facilitate
Please send in your feedback by the end of Friday 2 December, preferably by responding in the Team chat. A really substantive commentary could go as a separate document in the files section for us to take a look at. You can also email suggestions to me or provide them verbally via one of the team.
It is a draft and the product of a lot of back and forth.  We know there are possible gaps and rough edges, but it is really time get it out circulating for you to feed in your ideas.


It does not aim to write a set of “rules” for every possible contingency or dive deep into detail. That would be impossible and mean they would be little used. These standards should sit at a higher level while still being understandable and meaningful.  They are a guide to what we want to offer all of our users, how we handle escalation of queries, and they set some basic expectations around communications and style.

The group’s aim is to get this completed by the end of the year if at all possible. We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions.



PJH External Stairs

Kia Ora – the left-hand external stairs leading up to PJH (left-hand if you are looking up from outside) are roped off at the moment. This is due to a very loose bottom step which could collapse. Security have placed barriers on the stairs to prevent use until the step can be fixed. The other stairs are OK and lift access via ground floor etc is fine.