All posts by sfr48

Wanted – Health and Safety Rep

Kia ora koutou,

The Library Health and Safety Committee are looking for a representative for level 5, Puaka James Hight.

Pinelopi has stepped down from the role and I would like to thank her very much for her work for the committee over the last two years.

Are you keen to join us?  I chair the group and the other members are Swee Hoon Goh, Dave Lane, Tim O’Sullivan,  Sue Thompson.  No prior experience needed, as you will be trained in all the vital skills.

If you are interested or want to find out more, please let me know.

ngā mihi,


Open Education Practice Symposium – report back

EDIT:  Time change. My apologies but I have had to change the time for this session.  It is now at 3pm on Thursday 16 January.  You can still book yourself in from the link below.  Sara

In the first week of December I attended the inaugural symposium of the Centre for Open Education Practice (  It was hosted at Otago Polytechnic and included a range of speakers speaking about open educational resources and practice. I found it very thought provoking and there was much that we can learn and implement in this area.  I will be giving a report on the symposium on Thursday 16 January from 2-3pm in room 210 PJH.

In this session I will talk about the sessions that resonated the most with me, including sessions on student use of textbooks, Māori data sovereignty and open source, the implementation of micro-courses and credentialing.

Book your self into the session here.

ngā mihi,


Planning for Level 2 PJH Spaces

Kia ora koutou,

There have been some recent changes to the plans in place for the spaces on Level 2 of Puaka James Hight.  There are now four priority areas for redevelopment:

  • The first is the Makerspace, which has successfully been operating from the old student services rooms, but will need to have a better, more fit-for-purpose space that has ventilation and storage. The Den is the most appropriate space available and Facilities Services are currently putting together a plan to redevelop this area.
  • The High Demand collection will be moving from the Self Loan area, out onto mobile shelving on Level 2 positioned behind the current Information Desk. This room will be decanted over the summer period.
  • The Self Loan area will become student study space and an informal group learning and teaching space, with some fixed computers.
  • The current Makerspace area (room 214) will provide two Ako Ātea consultation rooms for the Subject Librarians and new discussion rooms for students that are bookable via the library webpage

The timeline for this work is not yet confirmed, but we are expecting the Den/Makerspace to be renovated over the summer 2019/2020.  This means that we will not be able to use the Den for teaching in S1 2020.  To mitigate the loss of the teaching room, we will use a number of alternative spaces within the Library:

  • Poutama (Level 3 PJH). The AV is now fully functional in Poutama, and is a useful space for teaching around 20 students.  Students can bring their own devices or use the laptops from the laptop trolley.
  • The current Self Loan area will be able to be used for informal group teaching. AV can be requested for this room when needed.
  • Other open spaces in the Library on Level 4 and Level 2. These spaces can be used for larger groups, and AV can be set up where required.
  • There is a possibility that we can use Room 101 in the Undercroft for teaching, but this is still being discussed.

If you have any questions about the plans for level 2 or the teaching rooms available to us, please let me know.

Ngā mihi,


Come for Breakfast!

Kia ora koutou,

On Thursday 7th November the Library managers will be serving breakfast between 7:30 and 9am in the staff room (Level 5 Puaka-James Hight).  There will be 4 serving schedules: 7:30, 8:00, 8:30 and 9:00am.

For catering and planning purposes could you please RSVP using this Google form by 5th November indicating:

  1. Any dietary requirements
  2. At which serving time you would like to come (7:30, 8:00, 8:30 or 9.00)

All staff are warmly invited.  Please do come along.

ngā mihi,

Library managers

Significance – next steps

Kia ora koutou,

In March 2019, the Significance Project group presented their final report, which contained a number of recommendations to improve significance among Library staff.  These recommendations have not yet been implemented as we did not have enough volunteers to lead the next phase of the project.

The abbreviated recommendations from the report are:

  • That this report is shared within the Library as widely as possible.
  • That the whole Library examines the role of feedback in our work, and endeavours to improve giving and receiving positive and negative feedback in an authentic and timely way.
  • We all work to increase visibility of our work inside the Library.
  • We all work to increase visibility of our work outside the Library.

These recommendations can be broken into two main areas:

  1. Giving feedback effectively, both from manager to team members, and between team members.
  2. Advocacy of our work, both to Library colleagues and to our colleagues outside the Library.

You can see the full report here:

This is valuable work for us to do, particularly in the light of our most recent OEI/OCI results, where significance still features as an issue for the Library as a whole.  The Library Managers have therefore agreed to lead this work through their own professional development and mahi tahi conversations with their team.

We would also like to receive ideas from you about how we might promote our work inside and outside the Library, and how we might make our business as usual work more visible and appreciated.

Brian, Jo and I have volunteered to champion this work within the managers team, so if you have any questions or suggestions we would be very happy to kōrero about this.

ngā mihi,


Kaitakawaenga Ako

Kia ora koutou,

It is my great pleasure to announce that Lisa Davies has agreed to be our permanent Kaitakawaenga Ako.

Lisa has been doing a wonderful job in this position for the last five months and we look forward to her continuing this mahi.

Lisa steps into the role permanently from Monday 5 August.

ngā mihi nui,


Engineering Subject Librarian anō

Kia ora koutou,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Matt Oram as the replacement Engineering Subject Librarian until January 2020.  Matt brings excellent skills to the role and we are looking forward to having him in the Teaching and Learning Team.

He will begin in the role on Monday 15 July and will be based in the EPS Library.

ngā mihi,
