Kia ora koutou,
In March 2019, the Significance Project group presented their final report, which contained a number of recommendations to improve significance among Library staff. These recommendations have not yet been implemented as we did not have enough volunteers to lead the next phase of the project.
The abbreviated recommendations from the report are:
- That this report is shared within the Library as widely as possible.
- That the whole Library examines the role of feedback in our work, and endeavours to improve giving and receiving positive and negative feedback in an authentic and timely way.
- We all work to increase visibility of our work inside the Library.
- We all work to increase visibility of our work outside the Library.
These recommendations can be broken into two main areas:
- Giving feedback effectively, both from manager to team members, and between team members.
- Advocacy of our work, both to Library colleagues and to our colleagues outside the Library.
You can see the full report here:
This is valuable work for us to do, particularly in the light of our most recent OEI/OCI results, where significance still features as an issue for the Library as a whole. The Library Managers have therefore agreed to lead this work through their own professional development and mahi tahi conversations with their team.
We would also like to receive ideas from you about how we might promote our work inside and outside the Library, and how we might make our business as usual work more visible and appreciated.
Brian, Jo and I have volunteered to champion this work within the managers team, so if you have any questions or suggestions we would be very happy to kōrero about this.
ngā mihi,