Wiley, Oxford and Springer have caps on the amount of articles that can have APC waivers in 2022 under our Read and Publish agreements. Here’s the latest on how that is tracking:
Springer :Predicted to exceed cap on 4th November.
Oxford : Predicted to exceed cap on 22nd December.
Wiley : There has been a recent increase in publishing, no date given but it is possible the cap will be exceeded before the end of 2022.
Titles in the Optics Infobase are accessible, but are presenting a “didn’t send any data” screen before display article, which may be confusing to users.
Clicking on “Close frame to print” in the top right corner will display the downloaded PDF. We hope to have this issue resolved quickly.
“Store and upload any type of digital file – videos, photos, audios, PDF, Excel and Word documents for easy further use with E LINK’s Content Management System. Build an online Library of content for secure access by everyone. Create personal or shared Workspaces to organise your content. Use E LINK to generate links and embed codes for your documents and videos for online access and to easily add to EVA to create interactive lessons.
EVA, our Enhanced Video Annotation tool, turns any video into an enriched interactive experience with 17 different types of annotation and interactive tools that pop up while the learner watches the video.”
The interloans system is again experiencing issues, including patrons accessing their accounts or place requests. Please advise patrons to try requesting later, if they’re having trouble.
Degradation in all OCLC data centers has affected our interloans system for library staff and all patrons wanting to access their accounts or place requests. Please advise patrons to try requesting later, if they’re having trouble.
Chris Szekely and Michael Keith will talk about the book that celebrates the Alexander Turnbull Library’s centenary – Te Kupenga: 101 stories of Aotearoa from the Turnbull – sharing behind-the-scenes commentary on how the stories were selected from Turnbull’s net, including what happened to “the stories that got away” and what to expect as the net is adapted for use in New Zealand schools.
This session will be hosted on-line by the Turnbull Library. To register please RSVP by email to: Joan McCracken at Joan.McCracken@dia.govt.nz
Maretha Smit from Diversity Works NZ has just been talking (LIANZA conference) about the Human Library concept for improving social cohesion. What a great pastoral care idea for UC!
I love the idea of borrowing a mum/aunty/dad/uncle, especially for international students. UC must feel a bit faceless for some of them.
Another example of this kind of thing – an ‘aunties clinic‘ encouraging vaccinations in the North Island.
For patrons wanting an interloan, you can direct them to their Interloans Account (click on ‘Create Request’ to open a blank form). We ask the form to be filled out to meet copyright, but also patrons can track progress online, request renewals, and download items sent to them.
We can occasionally interloan e-books, but for the most part they still arrive as hard copies (can take a few days or a few weeks, depending on supplier).
Interloans are also legally allowed only for private research or study. For lecturers requesting interloans for LEARN, it would be great if they can email learncopyright@canterbury.ac.nz, so we can arrange the compliance. There is a notes field on the interloans form that patrons can use, but our automated interloans system won’t pick up special instructions before the article is supplied (in some cases very quickly).